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- Bob G on Holocene Optimum In Alaska
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It’s about diversity dontchaknow. I mean leftist diversity, which does not cover Christianity or conservative thought.
I think he likes Sharia!
The War on Women is now here now in the USA. It is called the Dietary Guidelines and Smart Meters/Smart Appliances wants the American Diet to become Vegetarian.
In 1992, As Chairman Strong told the UN conference at Kyoto…
The same propaganda was repeated by WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy…
A year ago the chair of DGAC told us:
That statement certainly sounds like the DGAC is more concerned with Sustainability (Agenda 21) than with the health of Americans. The Chair goes on to say:
So the concern is NOT human health it is ‘Sustainability’ (Meat animals are a large part of keeping farms healthy in MHO.)
So why do I call this a War on Women?
Feminism convinced women we could do it all. Have a family and a career. This was only possible because of modern convenience foods and modern appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, vacuums, microwaves and FREEZERS and FRIDGES. Making a meal from scratch especially if you add in doing canning, smoking and drying becomes a full time job. Take away free access washing machines, dishwashers, vacuums, electric stoves and microwaves and you add a planning nightmare to the end of your work day.
I am not expressing this well but if you have to take the time to do all the extra planning to deal with energy outages, super high rates at certain times as well as getting decent nutrition into your family, it is going to be a royal b!tch. Take away a car for large shopping expeditions and a large freezer for food storage for a large family living in the sticks and it gets much worse. (I know our host is living the life style that Maurice Strong has DICTATED middle class Americans must now live but that is his CHOICE.)
A meat based diet is the easiest way for a mother to make sure she and her kids are getting proper nutrition. Yes, with the aid of supplements you can go Vegan but it takes a lot more planing compared to one meat, one starchy veggie one leafy veggie and toss in some fruit for desert.
Also UN Codex Alimentarious wants to take those vitamins and supplements away from you. There was a lot of buzz about this several years ago.
Totally correct.
Good thing she wasn’t a Republican. O’bummer would have sent Holder over to file a friend of the court brief to have her executed.
One comment I saw said: “It is interesting to note that in the early 60’s there were no Grocery Stores on the Reservations in Arizona. At the time diabetes was unheard of because the people on the reservation still gathered food naturally from the local vegetation and ate the animals they raised and killed. Suddenly, along comes the Modern World and Groceries were readily available. Now 90% of the population of Indians are Diabetics, and overweight to boot!”
It is also a war on the health of pregnant women, their fetuses and children.
Reducing diet early in pregnancy stunts fetal brain development, study finds: The fetal brain is vulnerable to even moderate decreases in nutrition during the first half of pregnancy, a new study indicates.
The Importance of DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)
University of Graz Study Finds Vegetarians Are Unhealthier, More Mentally Disturbed Than Meat-Lovers
Do Vegetarians Have Smaller Brains?
Many links to studies HERE
2014 Blog Discussion with links and graphs: Why carbs are destroying your brain 😛