This Is How You Build A Dictatorship

Convince children that Obama destroying our system of government is good for the planet.

Watch Six-Year-Old’s Gripping Video on Climate Change

Montana boy travels to the White House with his video on how climate change is affecting his family and community.

The six-year-old looks into the camera in a compelling three-minute video that his parents produced, and talks about how rising temperatures are affecting his family—his dad’s a firefighter—and the landscapes near his home in Bozeman.

“Glaciers are receding and could soon be gone forever … Some animals may go extinct in the next century … It’s time for the world to see conservation through a kid’s eyes,” he says in “Noah’s Project,” which will be honored Friday at the White House.

The child’s appeal comes as President Barack Obama sidesteps GOP opponents in his efforts to fight global warming.

Watch Six-Year-Old’s Gripping Video on Climate Change

No one told the 6 year old that these glaciers have been disappearing for hundreds of years, that the largest forest fire in US history occurred in Montana in 1910, and that there absolutely nothing Obama will or can do that will have the slightest impact on any of these things he is observing.

ScreenHunter_200 May. 13 14.58


ScreenHunter_8070 Mar. 22 21.37

1910 Fires – USFS History – Forest History Society

It has nothing to do with climate, and everything to do with using children as pawns in Obama’s coup.

The writing is on the wall in bold letters. Congressional Republicans need to grow some cajones – before it is too late.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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39 Responses to This Is How You Build A Dictatorship

  1. Andy DC says:

    Not hard to get a 6 year old to parrot whatever he his told to parrot.

  2. Psalmon says:

    I found this also interesting. The AP is saying companies are investing in Vermont maple syrup.

    According to USDA, Vermont production is now equal to that before the 40s. New Hampshire is also setting records.

  3. sunsettommy says:

    People using children,for advancing propaganda,means they are into emotional manipulation.not into factual presentations.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Perhaps that is an indication they know their weak argument is getting weaker, and that time is about up.

      For election year 2016, with 20 years of nothing but NCDC and GISS fudging of crap datasets, which are completely debunked and contradicted by the satellite data to keep of the illusion of warming that isn’t happening, the alarmism industry understand what is at stake.

      • Disillusioned says:

        Sheesh. It is time for bed. Let’s try that last sentence again…

        For election year 2016, with 20 years of nothing but NCDC and GISS fudging of crap datasets to keep of the illusion of warming that isn’t happening – datasets which are completely debunked and contradicted by satellite data – the alarmism industry understand what is at stake.

  4. dom says:

    In six more years, the kid will have the same “B” cluster as an adult liberal….

  5. omanuel says:

    You are right, Steven. I doubt either political party will stop the rise of one-world totalitarianism, but I am certain it will be destroyed by the real ruler of the world:

    The pulsar-centered Sun that made and sustains every atom, life and world in the solar system:

    Here is a Teachers Supplement to “Solar energy

  6. Expect a gloves off dose of propoganda between now and the Paris charade.

  7. Jimmy Haigh says:

    I think that “climate change”, like any religion, shouldn’t be forced on people under 18.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Why do you think they keep calling it ‘Science’™ ? To fool people into thinking their religious propaganda has something to do with reality.

  8. Shazaam says:

    And this is what you need to do to have a prosperous country:

    Not that the laughingstock-in-chief or any of his czars would ever believe it.

  9. michaelspencer2 says:

    This bit of propaganda exploiting a child deserves only one comment. To put it in the popular Australian vernacular: “Bloody disgraceful!”

  10. ren says:

    “On the 4th of March the cold was gradually increasing and an incessant snow-storm filling the track up rapidly made the dragging of the Toboggans exceedingly laborious ……. When we got to the end of our day’s march the cold was so intense that the men could scarcely use their fingers to hew down the fire-wood, or to build huts, and it was dark before we could commence cooking; if sticking a bit of salt pork on the end of a twig and holding it in a fire could be so termed.

    On the morning of the 5th the cold had greatly augmented and the thermometer once more fell to 27 degrees below zero, together with a gale, a north-wester in our teeth, which scarcely left us power to breathe ……”
    For comparison, the actual temperature in Canada. 03/23/2015.

  11. B says:

    They grabbed the schools over a hundred years ago for reason.

  12. Robertv says:

    Isn’t child abuse illegal in the US ?

  13. ren says:

    This blockage the ozone layer in the stratosphere means the inflow of air from the North Pole to the east of North America and Europe.

    • ren says:

      Shall be diverted polar vortex over North America (from east to west).

      • ren says:

        “The idea that cosmic rays may affect climate through modulation of the cosmic ray ionization in the atmosphere goes back to Edward Ney in 1959. It was known that solar wind modulates the flux of cosmic rays reaching Earth—a high solar activity deflects more of the cosmic rays reaching the inner solar system, and with it reduces the atmospheric ionization. Ney raised the idea that this ionization could have some climatic effect. This would immediately link solar activity with climate variations, and explain things like the little ice age during the Maunder minimum, when sunspots were a rare occurrence on the solar surface. ”

        • rah says:

          In the longer term the solar system is moving faster than the pressure waves it is believed caused the galactic arms to form. So gradually the Solar System is emerging ahead of the Orion arm and will eventually be in the more open space between the Orion and Perseus arms. The theory is that when the system is between Arms it will be exposed to fewer cosmic rays. And the probability of some mass extinction event resulting from a Supernova is decreased.

  14. jdseanjd says:

    A disgrace, yes, these poor people have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the Global Warming Church. They are true believers.

    The International financiers, the Banksters behind the whole scam, want to destroy America, & free enterprise, & every country in the world on the path to One World Totalitarian Govt.
    The almost invisible BIS, bank of international settlements, the central bank of central banksters is the HQ.
    It’s all a continuation of Brit foreign policy for world hegemony, behind different cloaks of deception.

    Zionism was always & is now a Brit = Bankster project for world hegemony:

    Muslim extremism was always & is now a Brit = Bankster project for global domination.

    Rothschilds & his henchmen & the multinational corporations own the Bank of England, own & dominate our media, & own & dominate our politicians & foreign policy.

    These financiers care not for any country or any religion.
    Their God is power & control, war & death.

  15. markstoval says:

    This is an interesting post and there is nothing to fault in it. But I would go further and point out that the reason we have government schools (free and universal public education) is that the state has always used schools to indoctrinate the young. There are things you “learned” in school that are just plain not so. There are lots of things you learned in school that are just plain false.

    Why this Soviet style education system when we could allow the private sector to educate the young? You know — it is all about control.

  16. rah says:

    ‘Moving to Montana….Gonna be a dental floss tycoon. ‘ Frank Zappa and the Mothers

  17. gator69 says:

    Child abuse! But I guess they had to find someone with whom Obama could relate.

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