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This seems to be an attempt by losers of the AGW debate to incite racial or religious hatred to divert attention so they can retain the delusion of control of the world.
They still control world governments but are dangerously mentally unstable
I.e., this appears to be propaganda of diversion.
Hopeless Hope is another diversion to avoid reality.
What have we done with all of our AC-130 Gunships?
Nothing. And that is the issue.
They are revamping the SO wings with new versions of both the MC-130 and the AC-130:
First the new version of the MC-130 which are the SO transport, recovery, and intel platforms.
From left, an MC-130J Commando II and an MC-130P Combat Shadow both from the 17th Special Operations Squadron along with an MC-130H Combat Talon II from the 1st Special Operations Squadron conduct a heritage formation of three MC-130 variants off the coast of Okinawa, Japan, Jan 26, 2015. The 353rd Special Operations Group performed the unique formation to commemorate the arrival of the MC-130J Commando II, the retirement of the MC-130P Combat Shadow and the continuing mission of the MC-130H Combat Talon II. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Maeson Elleman)
Now the new version of the AC-130 the AC-130J which has reduced the number of guns and replaced them with missiles allowing them to fly higher and thus be less vulnerable to ground fire during operations:
Goodbye AC-130H
by James Dunnigan
March 12, 2014
The U.S. Air Force is mothballing its last eight AC-130H gunships. Only 47 AC-130 gunships have been built, the first of them, the AC-130A, entering service in 1968. Some were upgraded to AC-130Es. Eleven were upgraded to AC-130H in 1972 and the eight surviving aircraft of that group are now being retired, not scrapped. They will be put in storage, just in case. The air force still has 17 AC-130Us that entered service in the early 1990s and are still operational. The AC-130U has an additional 25mm autocannon and the capability to track more than one target at a time. The last AC-130A was retired in 1995.
The AC-130H gunship (nicknamed Spectre) is a 69 ton, four engine aircraft armed with two 20mm machine-guns, a 40mm autocannon and a 105mm howitzer. While the aircraft can stay in the air for six hours (or more, if it refuels in the air), what really makes a difference is how well the weapons operate. Flying low (often under 3,000 meters\10,000 feet) and at night, the gunship relies on night vision devices and well trained gunners to take out targets that are giving the troops on the ground a hard time. Four decades of continuous improvements have made the gunships increasingly lethal.
The AC-130J is replacing the AC-130Hs. The U.S. Air Force recently bought 16 C-130J transports, for $100 million each for conversion into AC-130J gunships. Equipping the new gunships will nearly double the price, and the first one won’t be in service until 2017. The 79 ton C-130J has a top speed of 644 kilometers, 40 percent more range than the C-130H, and can carry 25 percent more cargo. The C-130J transport proved to be more than just another model in the fifty year old C-130 design. Mainly because it’s cheaper and easier to use. Like most new commercial transports, the C-130 emphasizes saving money. The new engines generate 29 percent more thrust while using 15 percent less fuel. Increased automation reduced crew size from four to three. The C-130J is more reliable and easier to maintain.
The AC-130J will be equipped with more powerful sensors, and armed with a single 30mm autocannon, and multiple launchers for Viper Strike and Griffin guided missiles (and perhaps the larger Hellfire as well). Viper Strike is a 90cm (36 inch) long unpowered glider. The 130mm diameter (with the wings folded) weapon weighs 20 kg (44 pounds). Because the Viper Strike comes straight down, it is better suited for urban warfare. Its warhead weighs only 1.8 kg (four pounds), and less than half of that is explosives. This means less damage to nearby civilians, but still powerful and accurate enough to destroy its target. A laser designator makes the Viper Strike accurate enough to hit an automobile, or a foxhole.
The Griffin is a 15.6 kg (34.5 pound) guided missile with a 5.9 kg (13 pound) warhead which is larger than that carried by the larger (47 kg) Hellfire missile. To achieve this, Griffin has a shorter range (4 kilometers), which is adequate for a gunship, which is designed to go after targets just below it, not far away.
U.S. SOCOM (Special Operations Command) has also adopted a U.S. Marine Corps idea to provide an “instant gunship” system, which enables weapons and sensors to be quickly rolled into a C-130 transport and hooked up. This takes a few hours and turns the C-130 into a gunship armed with a 30mm autocannon and Viper Strike and Griffin missiles.
Because of their vulnerability to ground fire, the AC-130s only operated at night until quite recently. The last time an AC-130 was lost was at Khafji, Saudi Arabia, during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. The aircraft was leaving the combat zone at sunrise, and was visible to Iraqi gunners in the area. With the introduction of missiles like Hellfire, Viper Strike and Griffin it’s now possible for AC-130s to operate during daylight. That’s because the missile equipped AC-130 can fly high enough (6,200 meters/20,000 feet) to be out of range of most anti-aircraft weapons.
I trained in call for fire from AC-130s back in 1985 on a range at Eglin AFB. Back then, and until recently, they were really creatures of the night because they were too vulnerable to ground fire for most daylight operations. So it was at night that we did the training. We were located in a concrete bunker right on the range not even 500 meters from the nearest target. The targets were all vehicles and tanks on that range. Accuracy is just plain awesome.
It was really more of a rhetorical question.
My father was in Viet Nam when the first gunships were deployed, and he used to marvel at the accuracy and sheer bullet per square inch capabilities. We could easily defend sites that are at risk, if we only tried.
Back in those days the first versions used the C-47 and C-119 as their platform and were armed with the 7.62 mm miniguns. [youtube
As with several other errors in detail in this John Wayne film they show spooky working during the day.
Dad was there 1969-70 and saw the 130’s when they were new to the scene. He always loved the C-130, it was the jeep of the Air Force, a real versatile platform that wouldn’t die. He was also a fan of the C-47, in a nostalgic sort of way. Dad could tell you what airplane was flying over the house by the sound of the engines, no matter the type, flight was truly his first love.
I made 68 of my 100 military jumps from a C-130. During my time in service I flew in B and E versions and a couple of different MC-130 versions. My dad, a paratrooper in the 101st Abn in 56-57 made one jump from a C-130 just before he got out. I imagine that by now some family has 4 generations of paratroopers that have jumped that aircraft. The newest version, the C-130J, is probably the greatest single jump in performance in the entire military series. Tried to post a link to an in cockpit video of a C-130J at an airshow that is very impressive but can’t get it to go through. Your Dad would probably be amazed that the old bird just keeps flying and there are at this times no plans to end it’s service. It’ll still be around after they retire the B-52.
Interesting Gator. My father was in Vietnam around the same time (69-70) and also did another tour a couple of years later. Command Sargent Major. Both times medevac’d out. Two Bronze Stars. Gone now. God bless him and your dad.
We lived at Bragg off and on (also two tours in Germany – Mainz, Mannheim and Heidelberg). Used to love to watch the AC – 130’s and C-47’s taking off and landing at Pope. Good memories…Thanks for the reminder…
Doh!! And thanks for your service rah.
No need to thank me. It gave back to me every bit as much as I put into it. My biggest regret is that I got out. Should have stayed. Thank the many that have paid a real price. People like your Dad and those that paid the ultimate price. And if you give to help the many that have come home with life changing injuries please research before you do. For example the Wounded Warrior Project is a rip off!
Destroyed ancient art, slaughtered civilians, and kidnapped school kids are excellent attention getters, if they don’t fear radical Muslims.
I can’t figure out who learned to get rid of history from whom. Did Google learn it from ISIS or ISIS learn it from Google?
Christians used to have similar destructive practices a thousand years ago. Just ask Obama. For some reason Obama believes that something that happened a thousand years ago is still my fault. I get blamed for every war and atrocity that occurred in Obama’s little mind. And I can’t run fast enough to get away from the blame. Wonder what Hope thinks? Does she know she is to blame for so many bad things that have happened in the past two thousand years? She can be blamed for the Little Ice Age, Minoan Warm Period, Medievel Warm Period, Ice Ages, Dinosaurs, dead Dodos, and the atrocities of ISIS.
You are not paranoid when someone is out to get you. Christians were not paranoid, nor were they aggressive, when they witnessed 450 years of Muslim attacks and conquests before they launched their very first crusade.
It’s because you’re human, and human beings are the cause of everything bad. It’s the secular form of Original Sin.