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Daily Archives: September 1, 2015
Smoking Gun That Government Climate Science Is Completely Corrupt
Obama is spreading all kinds of lies about Alaskan glaciers, which his own agencies knows are not true. Nothing is said or done to stop the liar in chief. The USGS knows that Alaskan glaciers retreated much faster in the 19th century. … Continue reading
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Climate Fraudsters Recycling The Same Hurricane Story – Century After Century
After his spectacular post-2005 hurricane forecast failure (10 years of no major US hurricanes) Kerry Emanuel has crawled back out of his hole for a repeat. in a new study in Nature Climate Change, Princeton’s Ning Lin and MIT’s Kerry Emanuel … Continue reading
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More Detail On The Obama Alaska Comedy Act
Our dimwitted president thinks he can slow down the melting of Alaska’s glaciers “If we stopped trying to build a clean energy economy and reduce carbon pollution, if we do nothing to prevent glaciers from melting faster and oceans from … Continue reading
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More On The James Blalog/NCAR Antarctica Fraud
James Blalog says that the Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming places on Earth. Actual data from his fellow fraudster Phil Jones, shows that there has been no net warming there for 45 years.
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Summer 2015 Was One Of The Least Hot On Record In The US
Meteorological summer is over. For the third year in a row, the number of 100 degree readings and their areal extent were near record lows in the US. The frequency of 100 degree days in the US is down by … Continue reading
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NOAA Undermines NASA’s Sea Level Lies
The flagrant liars at the University of Colorado and NASA claim that sea level is rising 3.3 mm/year CU Sea Level Research Group | University of Colorado NOAA says it is just over half that much. absolute global sea level … Continue reading
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Ross Ice Shelf Retreated Five Feet Per Day From 1840 To 1930
The Ross Ice Shelf in West Antarctica retreated 30 miles from 1840 to 1930, about five feet per day. The retreat “may have been going on for centuries” 21 Jul 1932 – A Warmer World. Experts at NASA tell us that we … Continue reading
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Alaskan Glaciers Lost Half Their Mass Before 1950
Our dimwitted excuse for a human being and president, thinks that making energy prices skyrocket will stop Alaskan glaciers from melting. They have been melting for 250 years, and lost half their mass before Harry Truman left office. 18 Feb … Continue reading
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World’s Stupidest Human Opens His Mouth Again
“If we stopped trying to build a clean energy economy and reduce carbon pollution, if we do nothing to prevent glaciers from melting faster and oceans from rising faster, and forests from burning faster and storms from growing stronger, we … Continue reading
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New Mexico Having Their 4th Wettest Year On Record
Four years ago Joe Romm announced the permanent southwest drought, on the web site “Think Progress” Dust Storm Marks Beginning of Southwest’s “Permanent Drought” | The Energy Collective Precipitation in New Mexico has increased every year since then, and they … Continue reading
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