Record Growth Of Arctic Sea Ice

ScreenHunter_298 Sep. 17 08.23

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Arctic sea ice extent is normally hitting its low right now, but this year has grown several hundred thousand km² since the beginning of the month. This is due to cold air which has been present since early August.

Government climate experts say it was the hottest summer ever in the Arctic, because they are criminals who are paid to lie about the climate.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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53 Responses to Record Growth Of Arctic Sea Ice

  1. Psalmon says:

    Somehow total heat content is what matters when we talk about the liquid ocean and warming.

    When it comes to Polar sea ice however, it’s only the amount of ICE that matters. If it was heat content what would matter is average ice season to season = the integral of the curves.

    Why we only talk about points in time and buy into using minimums and maximums for graphs and trends is something I’ve never understood. Even more so considering the number of variables is complex (currents, wind directions, wind magnitudes, air temps, humidity and cloud cover…). In that context mins and maxs are completely irrelevant. It’s like counting the number of named hurricanes rather than measuring ACE.

    Further if presumed impact on radiation absorption or albedo is what mattered, you would never compare the minimums, you’d care about the time around the Solstice, and the averages/integrals bracketing that.

    Playing the minimum game is almost as bad as accepting CNN as your one-party debate moderator, when the questions and topics frame the story more than the answers.

    Can we please stop this and develop/display/adopt more meaningful measures?

    • You can do whatever you want

    • rah says:

      IF we could trust data received on water and air temps everywhere all the time you might have a point. But we can’t. Even RSS and UHI have problems at the poles providing reliable data for technical reasons from what I read at Dr. Roy Spencers site. So the only real indicator at the poles that can’t be distorted or fiddled with is the freezing and melting points of water!

      Besides, the Arctic sea ice extent, volume, area, etc has been the focus of the alarmists from the beginning. It has been and remains their primary “canary in the coal mine” indicating the planet “has a fever”. Their terms and concepts, not the skeptics. Just as the fantasy of an ice free Arctic with an open NW passage is theirs, not ours.

      • AndyG55 says:

        “Arctic sea ice extent, volume, area, etc has been the focus of the alarmists from the beginning”

        “The Beginning” being around the late 1970’s of course.. 😉

      • AndyG55 says:

        “Just as the fantasy of an ice free Arctic with an open NW passage is theirs,”

        You mean like when it was navigated in 1903 in a small wooden ship?

        What’s the status at the moment? Can even big ice breakers get through ?

  2. Gail Combs says:

    Summer above freezing temperatures have been AT or BELOW normal for three of the past six years.

    Blue line is freezing, green line is average.
    2010 – below average

    2011 – average

    2012 – average

    2013 – below average

    2014 – below average

    2015 – average


    • Ernest Bush says:

      Some people have a hard time realizing that no matter how jagged the chart gets below the blue line, it is still drastically cold up there. There is no melting of surface ice after that red line drops well below freezing. In fact, the buoy videos show evidence of lots of cloudiness and fresh snow on the ice.

      • AndyG55 says:

        Some people have a hard time realising that during the first 3/4 or so of the Holocene, a sea ice free Arctic was the norm during summer.

        The current level is actually anomalously high for the last 10,000 years

        The only period there has been much more sea ice than now was during the LIA and the climb out of it.

  3. Gail Combs says:

    NASA, National Snow and Ice shows “A record extent of first-year ice in the Arctic. Between the 2012 summer minimum and the 2013 winter maximum, sea ice extent increased 11.72 million square kilometers (4.53 million square miles), the largest increase in the satellite record.”

    BUT their information STOPS at 2013 so they can show ” how the percentage of ice in each age group has changed from 1983 to 2013.” and then they go to ” estimates [to] show continued thinning”

    The recovery can be seen in this chart that goes to 2015.

    Which is masked by the NASA article (The first one google presents) NEWS: multiyear ice×504.png

  4. Ron Clutz says:

    Little doubt there is more open water in the Arctic this year than last. Negative AO in July and August, plus a major storm in late August caused a loss of ~500k km2 in one week. That will probably be the difference in the end. Increasing and above-average September ice extents signify the coming of the next ice age. Fortunately, that is not the indication this year.

    Ice Watch report for Sept. 17:

    • Ernest Bush says:

      I’ve been watching the graphs at WUWT’s sea ice page for years. This year I’m not trusting what I’m seeing. The blogger at Sunrise’s Swansong has been showing video from the Arctic buoys, which are supposedly in open water by the NSDIC and Canadian ice graphic displays. They seem to be surrounded by ice, still. How can this be? /sarc.

      It turns out that summer melt water sitting on top of the ice may not show up. The radar instrument NSDIC uses can’t see anything smaller than about 15 miles square. I wouldn’t make plans to visit the ice-free Arctic waters based on that display. Think Titanic. The Canadians use another method that sees finer details. However, it has been showing areas along its coast as ice free and the NSDIC display shows the same area frozen. There could be a lot more winter ice to explain away this year.

      Meanwhile, I’ll go with the on-the-ground pictures and Tony’s chart.

      • Ron Clutz says:

        Those concerns are why I prefer the MASIE ice charts from the Navy people. It is peculiar that recent results from NIC went down and now match NOAA numbers, whereas most of the year NOAA understates by 300-500k km2.

  5. emsnews says:

    NO, ice at the North Pole has nothing to do with Ice Ages.

    Indeed, half of the Arctic Circle, that is, western Alaska and much of eastern Siberia, never glaciated at all during the entire Ice Age which is why animals and humans could easily cross over from the Old World to the New World.

    All Ice Ages begin at Hudson Bay. And only Hudson Bay.

  6. Ernest Bush says:

    I think certain government scientists should have to camp out at the North Pole each summer to remind them about the absurdity of ever calling Arctic summer hot. Perhaps a few polar bear encounters would be in order.

  7. Gail Combs says:

    All Ice Ages begin at Hudson Bay….

    HMMMmmmm Hudson Bay still had a LOT of ice August 7th 2015×372.gif

    From polar bear science (mid July)

    Comparison of 2015 and 2014 on July 14th

  8. Don says:

    No one actually knows where, when, or how, an ice age begins. Seriously, who would believe anyone knows?

  9. Andy says:

    Looking at JAXA
    start of the month was 4346578 and now it is 4412057, so gain of 65 000 km2, nothing like several hundred thousand km2. Lowest extent was on 14th so it was hitting it’s low about now.

    It’s the 3rd lowest extent value in last 10 years and far far below 2006 as we kept hearing until recently on this site…….

    As for August being a cold month, according to NSIDC

    “Viewed in this framework, the pattern of atmospheric circulation for summer 2015 as a whole (June through August) favored a low September extent. Sea level pressures were higher than average over the central Arctic Ocean, as well as over Greenland and the surrounding region. Pressures were below average over north-central Eurasia. This was associated with air temperatures at the 925 hPa level (about 3,000 feet above the surface) that were above average over much of the Arctic Ocean”

    Reality seems to be lacking in this years posts on this site. Previous years posts have been more realistic from the OP.


    • AndyG55 says:

      “It’s the 3rd lowest extent value in last 10 years ”

      But still WAY, WAY ABOVE the zero summer sea ice of the first 3/4 of the Holocene.

      The so called “records” start in the coldest period in the last 60 or so years (unadjusted),

      But that is the alarmist way, isn’t it.. 😉

      Compare everything to the coldest period to show warming.

      In fact , we are actually only just above the coldest period in the current interglacial.


      • cfgjd says:

        There is now less Arctic Sea Ice than in centuries. Why? Little Ice Age does not even begin to explain it…

        • The Little Ice Age lasted for centuries, and explains it perfectly. CO2 doesn’t begin to explain it.

        • AndyG55 says:

          What an absolute MORON you truly are.

          OF COURSE the FACT that we are only slightly above the COLDEST PERIOD in 10,000 years explains the current explains the ANOMALOUSLY HIGH Arctic sea ice.

          Of course the small amount of warming we have fortunately had means that some of the sea ice melts.

          Gees.. dopey .. wake the **** up !!

        • Snowleopard says:

          Apparently Arctic sea ice reached a summer maximum in the late 1910s, we certainly had one in the late 1970s. It is reasonable to expect Arctic sea ice to slowly build (on balance) into the late 2030s based on this probable ~60 yr cycle. It is debatable how much (if any) relevance Arctic sea ice has in indicating climate change, since some reconstructions of the last glaciation show ice free periods in the Arctic sea. But if it has relevance, and the cycle repeats reliably, we may be able to determine that relevance when we can compare several ~60 yr cycles to determine trend, not before.

  10. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    Record growth of Arctic sea ice = record growth of global warming alarmist propaganda.


    Record growth of Arctic sea ice = record growth of global warming alarmist propaganda.


  11. cfgjd says:

    The Little Ice Age has been over for well over a century…so stop trying to use it as an explanation for the situation now. We seem to be heading into a Hot Age, do you think it will be called “Little” too in retrospect?

    • AndyG55 says:

      Yet we have still been warming after that LIA, because that LIA was the coldest period in 10,000 years.

      We should be extremely thankful fr the small amount of continued warming.

      We are NOT heading into a hot age at all, we are still at the very cold end of the Holocene. .. and unfortunately, the slight warming seems to have STOPPED. !

      Let’s all hope that it doesn’t decide to drop to the depths of another LIA.. !!!!

      • rah says:

        I sometimes wonder how alarmists ever get comfortable in their own homes. Most thermostats used in the US are set with a minimum of a 3 degree F comfort zone and many are set at 4-5 deg. F. And yet alarmist write and speak like they believe that the earths flora and fauna can’t stand even 2 degrees of warming.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Or possibly glaciation. The earth is in the right time period of the Milankovitch cycle.

        What cfgjd, and the rest never bother to mention, is while the earth has warmed since the depths of the ice age the earth HAS NOT WARMED back to the same warmth as the Medieval Warm Period so the amount of ice in the Arctic has retreated but not fully.

        The Titanic sank two hours and 40 minutes after striking an iceberg in 1912 around latitude 41º 46′ north. Hartford, Connecticut is at 41º 76′ N for comparison.

        Near the village of Wollaston, archaeologists have found ancient vineyards covering at least 30 acres.

        Vikings grew barley on the island of Greenland 1,000 years ago.

        … An international team including scientists from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) has published a reconstruction of the climate in northern Europe over the last 2,000 years based on the information provided by tree-rings. Professor Dr. Jan Esper’s group at the Institute of Geography at JGU used tree-ring density measurements from sub-fossil pine trees originating from Finnish Lapland to produce a reconstruction reaching back to 138 BC. In so doing, the researchers have been able for the first time to precisely demonstrate that the long-term trend over the past two millennia has been towards climatic cooling. “We found that previous estimates of historical temperatures during the Roman era and the Middle Ages were too low,” says Esper. ”

        ….The reconstruction provides a high-resolution representation of temperature patterns in the Roman and Medieval Warm periods, but also shows the cold phases that occurred during the Migration Period and the later Little Ice Age.

        In addition to the cold and warm phases, the new climate curve also exhibits a phenomenon that was not expected in this form. For the first time, researchers have now been able to use the data derived from tree-rings to precisely calculate a much longer-term cooling trend that has been playing out over the past 2,000 years. Their findings demonstrate that this trend involves a cooling of -0.3°C per millennium due to gradual changes to the position of the sun and an increase in the distance between the Earth and the sun.….

    • gator69 says:

      You meant to say that we are headed for a recovery, to the temperatures of a “Climate Optimum“.

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