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Daily Archives: October 28, 2015
NOAA Refuses To Explain Their Most Recent Data Tampering
NOAA recently altered their data, to unilaterally wipe out the hiatus which the consensus had agreed upon for a decade. January : Climate Change: Global Temperature | NOAA Climate.gov September : Climate at a Glance (NCEI) Now they are refusing to turn over … Continue reading
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Hot Days Are Disappearing From The Lives Of Americans
Both the frequency of hot days and the areal coverage of hot days has rapidly declined in the US. Last year had the smallest areal coverage on record for 95 degree days, with only 55% of US HCN stations reaching … Continue reading
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NASA US Data Tampering Has Reversed A Post-1940 Cooling Trend
In 1999, NASA’s top climatologists reported that the US was cooling, as greenhouse gases increased. Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought. The drought of 1999 … Continue reading
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More Off Scale Fraud By NASA
Gavin and NASA have done so much data tampering to the global temperature record since 1999, they had to nearly double the size of the Y-axis. And as an added bonus, they erased the cooling from 1940 to 1970 – … Continue reading
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Meteorologists Have Known That Climatologists Are Incompetent, For Over 40 Years
In 1974, climatologists were predicting global cooling, erratic weather and food shortages. Meteorologists knew that they were clueless then, just as they do now. TimesMachine: December 29, 1974 – NYTimes.com MIT professor Jule Charney said that climate forecasting was like … Continue reading
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Gavin Announces How Much Sea Level Fraud NASA Plans For The Future
In 1982, NASA reported just over three inches sea level rise from 1880 to 1980, almost all of which occurred before 1950. Now they report almost seven inches during that same time period, and accelerating. Spectacular unabashed fraud by the US Space … Continue reading
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NASA Data Tampering Goes Off-Scale In 2015
Gavin has done so much data tampering since January, that he had to extend the Y-axis on the NASA global temperature graph in order to accommodate it.
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NASA Has Nearly Doubled Global Warming By Data Tampering Since 2005
Almost half of claimed global warming is due to data tampering by NASA over the past 10 years. 2005 version: Fig_A.pdf 2015 version: Fig.A.gif
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More Smoking Guns Of Fraud In The Climate World
In 1974, The New York Times reported a one degree centigrade drop in global temperatures, a 12% increase in sea ice, cooling sea surface temperatures, and said that global cooling would lead to erratic weather and food shortages. TimesMachine: December … Continue reading
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