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Monthly Archives: November 2015
The Death Spiral of Science By NSIDC
NSIDC has corrupted climate science with graphs like these, purported to show a linear decline in Arctic sea ice since 1979. Their choice of 1979 as a start point, hides the fact that Arctic ice is cyclical, not linear. The … Continue reading
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Why Obama’s Paris Conference And EPA Regs Are A Complete Farce
Barack Obama believes that 0.0004 mole fraction of an essential trace gas (which all life depends on) threatens the planet. Even if you subscribe to his mindless CO2 superstition, Obama already wrecked any prospect of a meaningful agreement when he agreed … Continue reading
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COP21 – Stopping Imaginary Global Warming
In 1997, NASA showed no global warming since 1980. Other than periods of cooling after the eruptions of El Chichon (1982) and Mt. Pinatubo (1991) – global temperatures were pretty close to flat from 1980 to 1996. GLB.gif (792×612) Since … Continue reading
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NASA Has More Than Doubled Southern Hemisphere Warming
In 1981, NASA showed a little over 0.3C warming from 1900 to 1980 at 23°S- 90°S pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/1981/1981_Hansen_etal_1.pdf They now show about 0.8C warming during that same time period for 23°S- 90°S Fig.B.gif (407×661) The next image overlays the two graphs at the same scale. … Continue reading
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Hayhoe/Dessler/Romm – The Unholy Trinity Of Texas Climate Stupid
Texas does everything big – and when it comes to climate stupid no one does it bigger than Katharine Hayhoe, Andrew Dessler, and Joe Romm. In 2011, all three of them were hysterical about the heat and drought in Texas. Katharine … Continue reading
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Paris Climate Criminals Ignore Record Arctic Ice Growth
Climate fraudster Al Gore solemnly told the Nobel Committee that the Arctic could be ice-free by 2014 The Nobel Laureate repeated his brainless nonsense in 2009. Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014 Instead of an ice-free Arctic, we … Continue reading
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Night Of The Living Dead Climate Treaty
NASA’s James Hansen started the modern climate scam, as well as the practice of altering temperature data to make it better support his brainless CO2 superstition. He gave thousands of interviews while Bush was president, to tell the press that he … Continue reading
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Biggest Fraud In History – Perpetrated By Tom Karl And Gavin Schmidt
Earth’s atmosphere has not warmed for decades, as shown by both satellites and radiosonde data. cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ftp/trends/temp/angell/global.dat uahncdc_lt_6.0beta4.txt RSS_TS_channel_TLT_Global_Land_And_Sea_v03_3.txt However, the White House is desperate to create a fake climate legacy, and had their employees at NOAA and NASA tamper with temperature data – so that … Continue reading
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Boundless Evidence That Climate Science Is A Criminal Profession
Stephan Lewandowsky of the University of Bristol, says there is no evidence for a global warming hiatus. No substantive evidence for ‘pause’ in global warming, study finds NOAA reported the hiatus. NASA reported the hiatus. CRU reported the hiatus. www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/bams-sotc/climate-assessment-2008-lo-rez.pdf All of the most … Continue reading
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Pavlov’s Democrats
Bell rings. Democrats drool Americans have been experiencing historically cool summer weather in recent years, yet many Democrats believe they are burning up, simply because they are conditioned to believe it by politicians and the media.
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