State Of The Cryopshere

In 1939, eastern Greenland and much of the Arctic was rapidly warming and melting.

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17 Dec 1939, Page 27 – Democrat and Chronicle at

The surface of Greenland is now gaining mass. Much of Eastern Greenland is gaining a lot mass.

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Greenland surface melt has been normal or below normal every day for the past two months.

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Greenland’s surface gained 250 billion tons of ice over the past year.

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Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI

The Arctic Basin is largely covered with thick ice.


DMI Modelled ice thickness

Below freezing temperatures have spread across most of the ice sheet, precluding any significant melting the rest of the year.

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ESRL : PSD : PSD Map Room: Weather Plots

Experts say that the Arctic will be ice-free this year, because their funding is proportional to how big the lie is which they are willing to tell.

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Arctic could become ice-free for first time in more than 100,000 years, claims leading scientist

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greenland melting – Google Search

Climate scientists at government agencies deal with the 1930’s Arctic warmth, by simply erasing it.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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