Monthly Archives: October 2017

1973 : Brown, Columbia, Oregon State Universities Predicted A New Ice Age

In 1973, the Climate Long Range Mapping And Prediction Project (CLIMPA) from Brown, Columbia, and OSU predicted a new ice age. 15 Apr 1973, 59 – The Post-Crescent at In 1975, CLIMPA downgraded it to a little ice age. They … Continue reading

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Plummeting October 15 Temperatures In The US

October 15 used to be a warm day in the US, but temperatures have plummeted over the past century. The percent of the US over 80 degrees plummeted during the 1970s. On this date in 1938, much of the Midwest … Continue reading

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Corrupted NASA Graphs And Corrupted NOAA Thinking

Twenty years ago, government experts said 1.5C warming in the Arctic from 1840 to 1950 was largely due to natural forces, but recent warming “must be attributed to greenhouse gases” 14 Nov 1997, Page 7 – The Salina Journal at … Continue reading

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1974 – Polar Ice Loss Caused By Global Cooling

In 1974, scientists explained that polar ice loss was caused by global cooling. 19 Jun 1974, 56 – The Jackson Sun at Now they say thickening Antarctic sea ice is killing penguins and is due to global warming. Mass … Continue reading

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No Change In Land Temperatures Since 1990

Satellite data shows that there has been no change in temperatures over land since 1990, before the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo – which cooled earth for several years. Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs This is in direct contradiction to the … Continue reading

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Orwellian Class Fraud At Scientific American

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell  1984 Scientific American claims that the 1970’s global cooling scare consisted of nine paragraphs in Newsweek in 1975. How the “Global Cooling” … Continue reading

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Distinguishing Global Cooling From Global Warming

Scientists say global warming causes droughts, floods, blizzards, typhoons, tornadoes, hurricanes and expansion of the polar vortex. Forty years ago, scientists said global cooling causes droughts, floods, blizzards, typhoons, tornadoes, hurricanes and expansion of the polar vortex. 14 Jul 1974, 1 … Continue reading

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Arctic Sea Ice Increasing For Eleven Years

Day 285 Arctic sea ice extent has been increasing since the start of MASIE records in 2006. This year is fifth highest since 2006. fmasie_4km_allyears_extent_sqkm.csv Meanwhile, criminals in the press and scientific community continue to report the exact opposite of … Continue reading

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Eleven Years After The Demise Of Whistler

Eleven years ago, the fake news New York Times announced the demise of Whistler ski area due to global warming. PROBLEMS AT WHISTLER – This year. Vail Resorts bought Whistler for one billion dollars, and Bloomberg declared it to … Continue reading

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45 Years Since Scientists Announced The End Of Warmth

03 Nov 1972, Page 6 – Standard-Speaker at

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