Sandy Hook Anniversary

In January, 2011 I attended a global warming discussion in Lisbon, Portugal – sponsored by the EU. When I got back, I was immediately fired by my employer of five years. They made up some nonsensical excuse, but I’m sure that they found out and didn’t want a climate skeptic tainting their green reputation.

So I took a contract job in Sandy Hook, Connecticut in February, 2011.

ScreenHunter_153 Dec. 13 20.13

Snow In Connecticut

I bought a bicycle off Craigslist, and commuted into Sandy Hook, eight miles away. My commute took me just behind the school, near where the armed off-duty tactical officer was found. When the news of the shooting occurred last year, I was devastated.

Today my son was under lockdown at his high school in Littleton, Colorado – because the schools still haven’t created any deterrents, 15 years after Columbine.

Why are adults unwilling to take responsibility for children under their care?  When did America become a country of sniveling victims? And now many people want to give up their rights to self defense in their homes too? It is weak, foolish, dangerous – and is going to lead to very bad things in the future.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Sandy Hook Anniversary

  1. lorne50 says:

    STOP IT my friends are done they would like to move on “you use them or there family again ?????

  2. Jason Calley says:

    Twenty years ago I read an article that convinced me to buy the first firearm I had ever owned.
    I have an ethical duty to protect myself and my family.

  3. geologyjim says:

    Steve –

    Sorry to hear that your son was affected by today’s “incident”.

    From what little I’ve read/heard, it seems at least some useful practices were developed following Columbine, specifically that the “School Resource Officer” went directly to the disturbance instead of running outside. That’s just the prelim report, but I thought it was a positive change.

    If there’s one real lesson to take away from Sandy Hook, it is one should watch the pea and the thimble carefully as the “official” story is dribbled to the eager press. Things are not always what they seem.

    Creeps me out, but Sandy Hook just looks to have been staged. There, I said it.

    • Jason Calley says:

      Yes, parts of the news coverage certainly have the appearance of being staged. We’ve seen times before when news coverage has been faked. How big a step is it to go from slanting or fabricating coverage during a foreign war, to slanting or fabricating coverage during a domestic tragedy? How big a step is it to go from fabricating domestic coverage to fabricating an actual event? I do not see any way of knowing with certainty how far along the steps we have drifted, but yes, it creeps me out too.

  4. Kepler says:

    I hope that a sea change in how schools protect their students happens soon without our having to go through another tragedy. It is more than common sense, it is natural instinct that we all have instilled in us to self defend and protect our children.

    Unfortunately there are some who have become misguided in their perception of what the threat is. We need to get rid of these people in the local school boards, and at the local, state, and federal levels of government.

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