With Gavin In Charge, GISS Data Is Even Worse Than It Was Under Hansen

GISS claims that November was the hottest ever, while RSS shows November right at the median since 1979.

GISS is diverging from RSS at 1.5ºC/century – in the wrong direction. Mid-troposphere temperatures should warm faster than surface temperatures.

ScreenHunter_164 Dec. 14 07.49



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to With Gavin In Charge, GISS Data Is Even Worse Than It Was Under Hansen

  1. Rosco says:

    Even though Brisbane in Australia is only slightly out of the tropics its location close to the Pacific moderates the weather and extreme temperatures are rare – high averages but extremes are rare.

    I remember November 1968 as I was sitting for technical drawing exams in over 40 C heat.

    I remember November 1980 as I was conducting water sampling in over 40 C heat – the water temperature in the public pools was 30 – 35 C !

    Here in Australia 2013 doesn’t even rate a mention for November.

    I do remember 1980 as a hot year – Easter in April – our Autumn – was hot and all of spring and summer.

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