Devastating Imagery Of The Drought In New Mexico

ScreenHunter_261 Dec. 16 14.10

ScreenHunter_262 Dec. 16 14.20

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Devastating Imagery Of The Drought In New Mexico

  1. Chuck says:

    Where was this photo taken in NM?

  2. At White Sands, mostly likely.

  3. tom0mason says:

    She’ll be dessicated, or worse.

  4. Chuck says:

    It has been a while since I’ve been down south. Very nice.

  5. Gamecock says:

    If she played her cards right, she could be my next wife.

  6. jay352 says:

    Boy, some rain would really be nice…. You know , for the drought.

  7. Looks like global warming has hit her pretty hard: she’s obviously carrying her shoes because she doesn’t want to wear them out. I sure hope she can move uphill faster than 1.5mm/yr.

  8. Robertv says:

    Tuesday the Agriculture and Livestock Ministry’s State Phytosanitary Services (SFE) issued a statement declaring a national crop emergency for bananas, one of Costa Rica’s most important agricultural exports, over the proliferation of mealybugs and scale insects across the country’s Atlantic banana-growing regions.

    “Climate change, by affecting temperature, favors the conditions under which [the insects] reproduce,” González said, as do changes in rain patterns. She estimated that these conditions could shorten the bugs’ reproduction cycle by one third.

  9. Scarface says:

    That’s bad news then, for banana republics in general.

  10. zip adee says:

    Oh, the humanity!

  11. Lance says:

    she is better off anyhow…some of the ‘climate’ refugees I’ve seen had barely any clothes on…

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