Shocking New Climate Change Theory

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Shocking New Climate Change Theory

  1. Bill P. says:


    End of this century therefore = HAMMER TIME!!!

  2. nigelf says:

    That’s it in a nutshell…pointing to the weather and blaming mankind. As you so often point out, not unlike the witchburners of the past,

  3. omanuel says:

    Joseph Stalin’s propaganda agents were also multitalented and probably helped undercut respect for truth, God and human rights in Western governments after WWII.

    We do not yet know if Joseph Stalin was involved, but there is no doubt that academic textbooks of stellar and nuclear physics in the West were FALSIFIED immediately after WWII:

    1. The internal compositions of stars were changed from mostly iron (Fe) in 1945 to mostly hydrogen (H) in 1946.

    2. Albert Einstein’s and Francis Aston’s valid equations for nuclear stability were replaced with Carl von Weizsacker’s invalid nuclear binding energy equation, exaggerating proton-proton repulsion and minimizing NEUTRON-NEUTRON REPULSION, . . .

    The powerful source of energy that powers the whole cosmos from cores of heavy atoms, some planets, ordinary stars, galaxies and our ever expanding universe!

    Albert Einstein and Francis Aston provided the theoretical framework that allowed Allied Forces and Japan to successfully build atomic bombs during the Second World War. Carl von Weizsacker was the theoretical physicist that advised Hitler’s failed effort to build an atomic bomb during the Second World War.

    • darrylb says:

      Ok Emanuel—I have occasionally read a bit farther into your claims, in particular that of the core of the sun (stars)
      Are you saying that in stead of dark matter, we we should be looking more into neutron-neutron repulsion? Something that on the surface looks to be illogical.

  4. manicbeancounter says:

    There is also “climate weirding”.
    Anything that looks strange in the weather becomes “climate change”.
    BBC’s Horizon did a documentary a couple of years ago. Started with the revelation that guys from NASA flying out into the Atlantic looking for hurricanes found a lot more hurricanes than people who just waited for them to make landfall, It went downhill from then on.

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