Planned Breakage At Google

About a year ago, Google broke the ability to search their newspaper archives by date. They claimed at the time that they were upgrading their newspaper archive interface, but it was always obvious that they had broken it on purpose and had no intention or plan to fix it.

The search by date feature is still there, it just doesn’t work any more. I wonder what the story was behind that decision?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to Planned Breakage At Google

  1. philjourdan says:

    I use Bing and Duck-Duck-Go.

  2. MikeTheDenier says:

    Haven’t you heard Gaggle believes in “Do no evil” as in don’t allow “deniers” the view of history.

  3. I’ve stopped using it almost completely. It’s a useless piece of shit. So is most news for that matter.

  4. _Jim says:

    The usefulness of a feature is inversely proportional to how long it will be supported by the supplier …

  5. R Shearer says:

    It’s not part of their 1984-blueprint.

  6. “He who controls the past …”

    • _Jim says:

      … or, access to the past; cordon it off (like the street in front of Valerie Jarrett’s White House) and one accomplishes the same thing …

  7. This sounds like paranoia to me. Programmers break things all the time. Hotmail got broken 3 months ago – if you delete the last group of emails at the end of your in tray the system reports that your in tray is empty and effectively ‘hangs’. It’s been broken like this for months.

  8. _Jim says:

    This URL and it will show you a popup. Fill in the fields the way you want, THEN do a date-restrict to the dates you want, and THEN in the “Source” field, enter the name of the newspaper you want.


  9. _Jim says:

    And … posts are getting ‘eaten’ again for some reason …

  10. _Jim says:

    Last example and I’m off for the evening:,2129005

    “Mystery Of Underground River Flowing Through Area”
    The Nashua Telegraph
    Jan 17, 1974

    “Sounds incredible? Only if you are a non-believer in what might have happened during the Ice Age, and if you believe Witches’ Pond in Foxboro, Mass., is merely spring-fed.”

  11. emsnews says:

    Remember when a google search highllighted the words used in the search in different colors???

    It was so easy to scan large documents for the sections you specifically wanted. Then mysteriously and hideously, this ended abruptly with no warning. Now, one must plow through a lot of material to find the relevant data.

    Google is ten times worse today than ten years ago.

  12. There is no reason to “break” something that works…

    Plenty of Reporters/Journalists/Students, etc could have used this feature… but most are too lazy especially when it comes to Climate. How about signing up for Lexus/Nexux??

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