Latest From The Nutty Professor

Michael Mann: Public opinion critical for climate change fight

If it’s seemed warm to you of late, you’d be right. It is warm — in southeastern Pennsylvania, throughout the state

July 29, 2014

Greenhouse gas emissions contribute to climate change –

Pennsylvania is having their fourth coldest year on record, and the coldest in 35 years. If it seemed warm to anyone around here today, it because they have their heat turned on.

ScreenHunter_1409 Jul. 29 21.11

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Latest From The Nutty Professor

  1. Dave N says:

    “ southeastern Pennsylvania, throughout the state”

    Apparently he can’t make up his mind whether it’s just southeastern, or throughout the state.

    PS: is the graph “adjusted”, “raw”, or otherwise?

  2. “… so-called fugitive methane might escape …”

    Dr. Michael E. Mann, Distinguished Professor of Meteorology

    I think it just did.

    • Morgan says:

      So, when they say “Distinguished,” do they use that word so you can distinguish him from real professors?

      • Shazaam says:

        I could be wrong here, but with the references to “fugitive Methane” and Mikey Mann in one posting, one could interpret “distinguished” to mean that Mikey Mann’s flammable “wind of the bowels” (known around here as anal vapors) were extinguished before a massive hockey stick conflagration occurred.

        Such conflagrations are to be avoided if at all possible. Otherwise a supidularity might form and people might start preaching about the dangers of global warming and strong drink on every street corner!! (OK, OK…… I made-up the bit about strong drink)

      • Gail Combs says:

        I think they meant to use the words “Da Stinky” but then remembered he is sue happy and doesn’t want anyone referring to the “wind of the bowels” that extrudes from his oral orifice.

        (NOTE: to Mikey, I am poorer than a church mouse and all you will get is a stinky billy goat and his nannies plus a ram that aims at your posterior if you turn your back and his ewes.)

  3. mjc says:

    That man is truly an embarassment to the state of PA…

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Poster boy for Progressive, Caring Scientists everywhere.

    Otherwise clueless.

  5. darrylb says:

    What has been happening with the M Mann lawsuit?

  6. 1957chev says:

    Perhaps Michael is having “hot flashes”.

  7. ccglea says:

    Not just Pennsylvania. Ohio too.
    Another record-setting cool July day…

    Cincinnati dropped to a record low this morning of 50 degrees (previous record for this date: 54 in 2013) and only rose to a high of 73 degrees, which tied the record low maximum temperature for this date (previously set in 2000 and 1981).

    Dayton also only rose to a high of 73 degrees, also tying its record low maximum temperature for this date (previously set in 1969).

    Columbus also rose to a high of 73 degrees, which exceeded its record low maximum temperature for this date of 71 degrees (set in 1981).

  8. _Jim says:

    Mann needs to get out of the office more … (accidental double entendre)


    • mjc says:


      If he does get out, into the sunlight, it’s likely he’ll turn to stone like all good trolls should…or is it burst into flame and become a pile of ash like a vampire?

      Can trolls become vampires?

      • _Jim says:

        That’s outside/beyond my purview …

        But in all series-ness, Shirley he needs to (as the colloquial saying goes) ‘get out more’.

  9. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Mann knows exactly what he is saying, since he felt the need recently to bring out an AMO paper to blame CO2 for warming in complete opposition to his own 2005 AMO paper which shows much of it is natural.

    Only when the skeletons start really loud rattling in their closets do climateers invest in more soundproofing.

  10. Western Pa. is too freaking cold , produce is 2 to 3 weeks behind normal.

  11. Aphan says:

    When your head is as far up your ….data….as Mann’s is, it’s bound to be darn warm!

    • Jason Calley says:

      Mann ‘s knowledge may approach the truth but he never reaches it. He apparently has his head up his asymptote.

  12. Andy Oz says:

    Lots of methane and CO2 coming from both ends of Mann-made climate

  13. philjourdan says:

    If you repeat a lie often enough – he is trying to start a buzz. he thinks he is that powerful.

  14. Justa Joe says:

    You’re witnessing a warmist dead-ender. He’ll be one of the last rats to leave the bunker.

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