I predicted a few days ago that NCDC data tampering would wipe out New York’s coldest year, and make it only second coldest. My prediction was spot on. They massively cooled the past to wreck this year’s record.
Apparently the freezing point of Lake Ontario has changed.
It looks like at least a 2 to 3 °F change or more and not just a couple tenths.
They’ve manipulated over a century of data to create “catastrophic” trends where there was barely any trend to begin with. When you start adding records on either end and the actual climate is going the “wrong” way you have to
keep telling bigger liesdo diligent, appropriate quality control.Chicago’s 7th coldest? What drug are they on?
In six months it will be the Warmest Winter EVAH. Alas.
This comment by Bill Ilis at WUWT is excellent.
So large changes like above happen for a specific political reason. Small changes like in Bills post happen often, and for the same reason. Bill documents a current change to much of the past of 1/100th of a degree. A change for no reason. (Nicks comment justifying it is insane) Yet 2014 was declared “warmest ever by 100th of a degree.
It used to be comedy watching Nick attempting to justify re-re-re-re-(etc)-adjustments; now it’s tragedy.
Truth of scientific theories is evaluated based on predictions. Accurate predictions are the hallmark of good theories. It looks like you have raised the evaluation of CAGW liars to a science.
They are shameless.
There is no way these corrupt government employees will ever allow new cold records in an age of severe global warming. Heck, I am surprised they don’t screw with the temp readings but then again you have locals tracking the temps. Detroit broke the record low this morning set in 1901.
CO2 only on the West of USA. Doesn’t go to the East
Detroit LOL Hottest ever
In “Walt Disney’s Missouri” Page 54 has a sidebar on the Blizzard of 1912. Chicago received a record 67 inches of snow that winter, 40 inches in March alone.
Now, if I can get the “global warming climate scientists” to set the bar for “normal climate” perhaps I can undermine their efforts to make the Blizzard of 1912 “normal summer weather” for the United States. Or not. Think how popular they’d be after telling America that we’re sentenced to starve and shiver in darkness!
It the winters keep warming at this rate and the energy supply becomes as unreliable and expensive as Obama, the UN, and some environmentalists want it to be, we are in for a cheery future. Perhaps they are telling the People it is not so cold to keep them from panicking? At this rate, some must be worried about the onset of an ICE AGE. Caused, of course, by the use of fossil fuels.