The Arrival Of Spring

ScreenHunter_7927 Mar. 14 19.05

John Denver was born in Roswell, and died in a UFO.

Springtime always makes me think of Annie’s Song



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to The Arrival Of Spring

  1. inMAGICn says:

    Glad for you. Springtime came early here in W Washington. The ornamental cherries have been up and away for 2+ weeks. The crocuses the same. Lots of new blossoms and the birds havethe word. Heardmy first Canadian Geese yseterday. Expect a long end the the wet season, though. early springs don’t mean early summer. Cannot believe what you folks back east have had to suffer. God bless you all through the thaws.

  2. gator69 says:

    I still have my Complete John Denver guitar song book, just haven’t used it in awhile, and my guitar needs an overhaul. Many happy hours.

  3. rah says:

    Yep, it has arrived. Rainy and high 40’s this morning. Partly cloudy and low 50’s this afternoon.
    Grilled Ribeye steaks on the grill for dinner. Baked potato and salad and a Jack & Coke to finish it off. A red sunset twilight fading into the purple and blue hues across the corn field and woods to my west is just gorgeous.

    The only fly in the ointment tonight is that I am due for a new grill. This last winter pretty much finished by Charbroil off.

    For Monday we’re forecast to have a high of 72 deg. F here in central Indiana.

    Now comes the time, based on past experience, that my driving schedule will slow a little for a few weeks. Then it will gradually increase until the end of June and drop off to practically nothing for July and most of August.

  4. stpaulchuck says:

    phony Joanie. She was making millions decrying the eeeevil murdering US military in Viet Nam but as soon as we left and the NVA rolled into Saigon and killed about a million of them she was all silent much like the phony feminazis of today who blatantly ignore the egregious conditions of women in Islamic Africa and the ME while ranting about the ‘horrible’ conditions of women in the US.

    • Don says:

      Not quite.

      ” Singer Joan Baez took out full-page newspaper ads in May 1979, condemning Vietnam’s Communist rulers in the harshest language, urging them to “end the imprisonment and torture” of innocent men, women and children in the South. In addition to the ads, Baez sent out special packets to reporters detailing the horrors that had been documented in such publications as Le Monde and Le Figaro.”

      • Byron says:

        Baez gets some points for at least being aware of the reality after the event but not as many as She lost for supporting the murderous NV communist regime’s invasion of south Vietnam in the first place . Always I ask people “What the f#%@ else did You think a murderous pack of psychotic communist arseholes were going to do when they won ? Why would You think that it would be unlike any other communist takeover ? It ALWAYS comes down to gulags and mass executions for Their opponents and dissidents…ALWAYS ”

        As for Jane Fonda , I haven’t the linguistic skills required to express the degree of My loathing .

        • rah says:

          Byron says:
          “As for Jane Fonda , I haven’t the linguistic skills required to express the degree of My loathing .”

          Don’t worry Byron. Even as late as 1991 when I was an instructor at the Special Operations Medic course at Ft. Sam Houston, the US Army had not forgotten. Every one of the old style full length urinals at our school house complex had a Jane Fonda urinal target in it. I don’t think a more eloquent expression of contempt for that woman and what she did could not be found. Especially given the fact is was almost 20 years after her “mistake”. She will never be forgiven. “Hanoi Jane” is who she will always be to the majority of those that have served and that legacy has been passed to those that come later. The military has a long institutional memory about things like that.

  5. craigm350 says:

    Spring makes me think of Sunshine on my Shoulders

  6. It is snowing now here in Upstate, NY. I’ll talk about Spring with the rest of you in a month or so.

  7. rah says:

    Well I got a new grill and am taking a break while assembling it. Unlike the toys, that say “some assembly required” this one is “one hell of a lot assembly required”. It didn’t exactly say that, but I figured that was what I was getting into.

    This time I bought an IR grill. Neighbor has one and really likes it so I thought I would give one a try. $261.00 for a three burner Char Broil brand IR with porcelain covered grill grate and SS top, bottom and sides. Thought it was a reasonable deal. But then there’s that assembly to do. Time to put the gas guts and wiring together so see you later.

    Oh BTW, the load they had me scheduled to cover at 23:00 tonight was taken by a regular driver who’s planned load was canceled and all other loads are covered. So looks like the earliest I could possibly be called to go is Monday morning if then. Now back to that assembly.

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