Monthly Archives: November 2013

Which Climate Control Technique Has The Best Chance Of Success?

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Subtle Technique For Detecting When Obama Is Lying

Note that the lips are moving. [youtube=]

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Global Warming Survey

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Nuclear Winter

More proof of global warming. Heavy snow in Mexico – before Thanksgiving. Hansen told us that 400,000 nuclear bombs of global warming were going off every day, and it has produced nuclear winter. Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

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Shock News : Kook And Nuttercelli Lied About The 97% Consensus

Barely half of American Meteorological Society meteorologists believe global warming is occurring and humans are the primary cause. The survey results comprise the latest in a long line of evidence indicating the often asserted global warming consensus does not exist. … Continue reading

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Gun Control Quiz

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Gun Control In Israel

Having learned from their European experience, Jews in Israel take a different approach to gun control. h/t to Dave Stealey

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Progressive Week Of Celebration : 75th Anniversary Of Gun Control

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Shock News : Obama And Hillary Lied About Benghazi

When the CIA personnel were asked for their reaction to the administration’s initial explanation that an anti-Islam video and a demonstration gone awry were to blame for the attack, Fox News is told they were seething with anger because everything … Continue reading

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Understanding Climate Justice

Climate justice means taking your hard earned money and giving it to some scientists to do a completely useless study. CU to study impact of climate change on Boulder prairie dogs Researchers in Boulder, Kansas receive $850,000 grant for project. … Continue reading

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