Daily Archives: December 13, 2013

Maldives So Worried About Sea Level Rise, That They Are Building A New Airport Next To The Sea

Exclusive designs for new airport unveiled | MaldivesTraveller.mv

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Sierra Club Takes $25 Million From Big Oil And Gas – Complains About Koch Brothers

http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/en/campaigns/global-warming-and-energy/polluterwatch/koch-industries/ … [correction – it was actually the Sierra Club who took the money]

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Serreze Continues To Hallucinate

“This is simply natural variability,” said National Snow and Ice Data Center director Mark Serreze, who wasn’t part of the NOAA report but praised it. “There is nothing about the year 2013 that provides any evidence that the Arctic is … Continue reading

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I Was Insensitive

  Twitter / randycruse: @SteveSGoddard and if we could …

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Obama Has Doubled The Average Length Of Unemployment – To 37 Weeks

research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/UEMPMEAN.txt h/t to Andy Oz

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Shock News : Obama Lied About Syrian Chemical Weapons

By Becky Bratu, Staff Writer, NBC News Chemical weapons were used in the ongoing conflict in Syria in five out of seven attacks investigated by United Nations experts, a report published Thursday concluded. The weapons were used both against government … Continue reading

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Latest World Class Climate Science

Global warming confuses bats, makes fish stop screwing. global warming – Google Search

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Dems Pushing For A New Heavyweight Republican Candidate

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Boner Is Actually A Pussy

Boner is afraid that Obama might get angry at him again. Boehner boils over

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New Definition Of Ice-Free

A couple of years ago, NSIDC wanted to declare ice equivalent to the the area of France and Spain to be defined as ice-free. That didn’t work out, so I suggest that they declare anything less than the area of … Continue reading

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