72 Degrees Cooling In Iowa

Christmas, 1936 was 58 degrees in Dubuque, Iowa. This year forecast to be -14.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 72 Degrees Cooling In Iowa

  1. Yes, but when you plot it upside down it sure looks like runaway warming!

  2. Bob Campbell says:

    Let’s not be reasonable here, let’s go full Chicken Little.
    It’s 81 degrees cooling since 1889!

    • Andy Oz says:

      We need an ice and snow tax to save Iowa.
      $23 per inch of snow per person should do the trick and reverse the catastrophic cooling. I’ll collect the tax because no one trusts Obama after the sign language episode.

  3. Phil Jones says:

    Just think… by extending the graph to 1889 … when the temperature in Iowa was a balmy 67 degrees on Christmas morning… by extending the graph one can demonstrate another 9 degrees of cooling… Mikey Mann style in reverse..

  4. leftinflagstaff says:

    C’mon…you know every newspaper article before 1998 was a typo.

  5. Anto says:

    Predictions for Christmas Day this year in Dubuque are 10-27F. Runaway warming, obviously. I wonder what Gavin says 1936 was like in Iowa.

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