Sierra Club Takes $25 Million From Big Oil And Gas – Complains About Koch Brothers

ScreenHunter_104 Dec. 13 05.30 …

[correction – it was actually the Sierra Club who took the money]

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Sierra Club Takes $25 Million From Big Oil And Gas – Complains About Koch Brothers

  1. The Kochs being the enemy du jour lately for Greenpeace. Previously, it was Exxon, and if you go all the way back to when the current Greenpeace USA wing was called Ozone Action, the enemy was either the Global Climate Coalition (auto & oil industry folks) or the Western Fuels Association.

    Remember, throughout their entire history Greenpeace has never once offered us an iota of evidence to prove skeptic scientists were paid to lie about global warming. Not once. Ever.

    • First, this is 100% false and completely disprovable. You have no documentation of this $25 million claim, since Greenpeace doesn’t take any corporate or government money, that is well known. Greenpeace funders are publicly listed on its website, unlike climate science deniers, and more than half of its income is from individual people that are engaged on street, through mail and door-to-door outreach. You must be confusing Greenpeace with the grants Sierra Club got from Aubry McClendon while Carl Pope was still running it.

      As for Russell Cook–you have seen the coal/oil/gas company grants provided by Dr. Soon’s employer, but go ahead and look again if it helps:

      Koch brothers, ExxonMobil, Southern Company, American Petroleum Institute, Edison Electric Institute….that’s more than an “iota of evidence.” That’s hard fact. You yourself have defended Dr. Willie Soon on Anthony Watts’ climate denial blog and already were well aware these payments are documented. Conveniently, Watts is also funded by billionaire Barre Seid through deniers at The Heartland Institute:

      Willie Soon is just one among many–Robert C. Balling, Sallie Baliunas, Patrick Michaels, Richard Lindzen, Fred Singer….their fossil fuel grants are all publicly documented. So many of your friends have direct coal or oil grants, Mr. Cook, and many more funnel that money through the State Policy Network groups, or DonorsTrust/Donors Capital Fund, or get it right from billionaire family foundations like Koch or Searle. Don’t pretend the documentation isn’t there, your lies are as lazy as they are untrue.

      Next time, try starting with a reference people can check themselves. Your credibility is only hurt when you resort to rhetorical slander and then can’t back up any of your false claims.

      Disclosure: Greenpeace owns and runs PolluterWatch, to expose folks like yourself.

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