Lanza And Pierson

The Sandy Hook and Arapahoe shooters displayed almost identical behavior. Both shootings occurred the week before Christmas break. Both intended to kill large numbers of people. They both shot themselves in the head as soon as the police showed up, and both were immediately assigned unbelievable motives by the press.

Lanza was supposedly jealous of his mother teaching at the school. Pierson was supposedly angry about being kicked off the debate team. Why would he want to kill other students because he was angry at a particular teacher?

There has been zero discussion from law enforcement about either one’s Internet communications prior to the shootings. Perhaps NSA forgot to track these two individuals.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Lanza And Pierson

  1. philjourdan says:

    And there are a lot of differences. Namely, Pierson killed no one but himself. Because an armed guard confronted him before he could get cranked up.

  2. gator69 says:

    Lt Col Grossman explains why these murderers tend to kill themselves when cornered…

  3. Kepler says:

    Lanza had threatened to kill his mother. Pierson had threatened to kill the debate team coach and was suspended from school for it. I wonder how many other ‘angry young men’ are out there exhibiting this behavior that no one believes would actually do such a thing.

    • philjourdan says:

      The number that “think” it is unknown. The number that do it (kill a parent or parent figure) OUTSIDE of school will probably never be known since it is not a poster case for the left.

  4. bubbagyro says:

    A liberal with a gun is a time bomb. We shouldn’t prevent them from exercising 2nd amendment rights, but we should put all left wingers, socialists, and regular viewers of MSNBC (a manageable task—there aren’t many) under careful scrutiny, forcibly institutionalizing them, when necessary, when (not if) they begin acting out their sociopathy.

  5. darrylb says:

    I think that for a long time we have had many who have committed suicide.
    The difference now, is that with all the media frenzy, the pained individuals now sometimes take as many others with them as they can.
    One observation is that all the deranged individuals carry a y chromosome. (just an observation)

  6. Norm says:

    Holding my breath until some authority releases exactly which, if any, psychotropic medications each were on.

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