More Lies From The AMS Director

 the survey showed 93 percent of actively publishing climate  scientists indicated that they are convinced that humans have contributed to global warming.   This is consistent with prior studies’ findings that the climate science community is in agreement  that humans are largely responsible for the climate change we have seen in recent decades.

His claim is patently false and complete nonsense. There is no way to derive the very strong statement “largely responsible for the climate change” from the very weak agreement to “humans have contributed to global warming

In climate criminal land, 3% means 97%. What right do these people have to misrepresent other’s opinions? It is disgusting, and perverse.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to More Lies From The AMS Director

  1. 97% of mechanics agree that replacing rubber windshield wipers on your car contributes to running costs. It therefore makes sense to conclude that rubber wipers are the primary motor vehicle running cost.

  2. BobW in NC says:

    Ironic that human activity only contributes 3% of CO2 to the atmosphere…that ol; “97%” comes from natural sources… Maybe the consensus does too?

  3. gator69 says:

    What warming?

  4. omanuel says:

    Steven, you and your readers can help restore faith in government science and in constitutional government by endorsing the request for Congress to demand answers from the US National Academy of Sciences to two key questions. Why:

    1. The internal composition of the Sun was changed from mostly iron (Fe) in 1945 to mostly hydrogen (H) in 1946?

    2. Textbooks replaced Nobel Laureate Francis W. Aston’s rigorously valid “nuclear packing fraction” with von Weizsacker’s convincing but deceptive “nuclear binding energy” after the Second World War?

    Best wishes for the New Year,
    – Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Alarmist ticks and fleas in Australia are being forced to look for a real job as their government blood supply dries up.

    • gator69 says:

      “It’s a major blow that comes at a crucial time when important laws that guarantee clean air, clean water, a safe climate…” 😆

      What kind of money back guarantee do they offer the victims of the next drought/flood?

  6. Shazaam says:

    You just have to love the weasel words in that statement. The “93 % of actively publishing climate scientists “ is a load of fertilizer, since those very same “climate scientists” actively block the publication of any contrary views. Goebbels would be proud of them,

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