New York Daily News Morphs Shotgun Into AR-15 And Declares Claire Dead

ScreenHunter_239 Dec. 15 21.13

Note the caption above the picture about AR-15’s hunting people.

Then they declare Claire to be dead.

Karl Pierson, 18  was able to legally buy a pump-action shotgun that he used to fatally shoot Claire Davis, 17, in the head at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colo., on Friday.

She isn’t dead, and the only reason to deny him the background check was that he was a leftist anti-gun Obama supporter.

The best part of this? The best part is that decent politicians were trying to do something about guns in Colorado. Some Democratic politicians in the state took the lead on smart, tough legislation this year, trying to expand background checks — which only idiots think is some threat to everything good and decent — and limit the size of ammunition magazines. It meant they were trying to be as smart and tough on guns as the state of New York is.

They passed the expanded background checks here, and it didn’t make any difference. Pump action shotguns don’t use magazines.

Maybe you know what happened. If you don’t, here’s what happened: Various knuckle-draggers from the National Rifle Association and the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners organized successful recalls of two state senators, both Democrats — John Morse and Angela Giron — who voted for the tougher laws.

The majority of Colorado voters are knuckle draggers.

This asshole lies about everything and insults the people in Colorado, yet has nothing bad to say about the socialist anti-gun Obama supporting scum who committed the crime. I don’t believe for one second that he wasn’t pushed into this by someone else. The timing is exactly what I predicted at the beginning of the month. The only beneficiaries are the gun grabbers. Someone is desperate to disarm Americans, and will stop at nothing.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to New York Daily News Morphs Shotgun Into AR-15 And Declares Claire Dead

  1. Dave N says:

    Fact checking in journalism was declared legally dead years ago.. especially since there’s next to zero accountability.

    • rah says:

      Heck man it seems to me that journalism has been has been pretty much dead for years in most major newspapers. What and how most “report” has nothing to do with facts and everything to do with agendas. It it weren’t so there would be no need for the various “Fact Checking” organizations/sights that sprang up. And they too have turned out to have agendas and probably came into existence to bolster the falling credibility of the major news papers.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Occam’s razor suggests that among competing hypotheses, the simplest answer is often correct. I think you’re on the money Steven. It’s all too coincidental. The threat of the Democrats losing control of Colorado specifically on gun control issue…..hmmmm.

  3. Tel says:

    The newspapers are slowly but surely losing readers, losing money and closing down. Once they were gatekeepers of information and commanded rivers of gold for their services, but the ground shifter until they are hanging one step from poverty. No one will miss them when they are gone.

  4. Tel says:

    The best part is that decent politicians were trying to do something about guns in Colorado.

    It’s probably worth pointing out that the “tough” new Colorado laws did actually go into effect July 1 2013, and failed to prevent Karl Pierson buying a gun… so these “decent politicians” are failures on their own terms.

    • rah says:

      It would probably be proper to mention that those laws were passed without allowing adequate opposing debate and thus the two recalls.

  5. gator69 says:

    Of course leftists lie. It’s either lie, or sit there in silence, as they have nothing useful to add to the conversation.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    Hollweird gets off scott free in these shootings. The explosion in school shootings started after the very popular film “Kellies”(SP) was released. Also the perp’s entrance into the school sounds like a scene from “Massacre at Central High.”

    This guy’s case could be classified as left wing terrorism. The kid was an ardent lefty, and he new his actions would be exploited to push the leftist agenda.

  7. Ron W says:

    While other violent crime is trending down over the last 20 or so years, school shootings went up coinciding with the Federal “”gun-free” zones. Why is it that our children are forced to be unarmed victims while the elite ruling class who promote, pass and keep this in place are continually surrounded hired guns? What of “the equal protection of the laws” (14th Amendment)?? Oh yeah, I forgot the old “we’re all equal, but some are more equal than others”!

  8. Caleb says:

    New firearm legislation expanding background checks is not necessarily a bad thing. But society is misled to think that anyone can just walk in and buy a firearm with no problem. It is important that we hold the person accountable for their actions and not deter off the facts to promote a political agenda.

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