Monthly Archives: January 2014

Request From The Climatologist In Chief

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: Perhaps @BarackObama could …

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If The Present Refuse To Get Warmer, Then The Past Must Become Cooler

In USHCN V1, older temperatures were considered good, but recent temperatures were adjusted upwards by about 0.5F. After 1990, no further adjustments were considered necessary. GHCN Global Gridded Data That wasn’t getting the global warming marketing job done, so in … Continue reading

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1896 – Bourke Never Dropped Below 100 Degrees For Six Weeks

Hansen says bad heatwaves were almost impossible before the dice were loaded. 08 Feb 1929 – HEAT WAVE OF 1896 114 DEGREES AT BOURKE FOR PERI… h/t to Jody

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Hiding The Decline With The NCDC Teeter-Totter

US daily temperature data shows cooling since 1920. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/ The final adjusted data released by USHCN shows warming since 1920 The accomplish this marvelous feat through a series of adjustment steps, each one cooling the past. What could … Continue reading

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Climate Scientist Brags About His Role In Nazi Style Book Burning

James’ Empty Blog: Recognising a pattern They just want to have an honest debate, which means silencing any opposing viewpoints. h/t to @Foxgoose and Marc Morano

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UHI Made Simple

When I ride my bicycle from an open space trail to the Safeway parking lot less than 100 yards away, I frequently see 5-10 degrees difference in temperature. Asphalt and snow removal make huge differences. The USHCN UHI adjustment is … Continue reading

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Broken TOBS

Ignoring a host  of other issues about TOBS, according to USHCN V2 docs the USHCN V2 TOBS adjustment is supposed to look like this – positive since 1980, and slightly negative prior to that. This is somewhat similar to V1 … Continue reading

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1989 : NOAA Said No Evidence Of US Warming

U.S. Data Since 1895 Fail To Show Warming Trend By PHILIP SHABECOFF, Special to the New York Times Published: January 26, 1989 After examining climate data extending back nearly 100 years, a team of Government scientists has concluded that there … Continue reading

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Just Hit The NOAA Motherlode

I spent the evening comparing USHCN V1 and V2 graphs, and discovered a huge discrepancy between their V1 and V2 adjustments. This is their current US graph. Note that there is a discontinuity at 1998, which doesn’t look right. Globally, … Continue reading

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NOAA Urban Adjusted Temperatures Are Higher Than The Raw Temperatures

NOAA makes Piltdown Mann look like rocket science. rawurban3.5_pg.gif (712×431)

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