Candidate Obama : Against Gay Marriage – Should Be Up To The States

When running for President, Obama said that as a Christian, he was opposed to gay marriage – but to should be up to the states to decide.

“I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.”

– April 17, 2008

After being elected he said that he supports gay marriage, and that states don’t have the right to decide. The federal government now forces all states to accept gay marriage.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Candidate Obama : Against Gay Marriage – Should Be Up To The States

  1. DedaEda says:

    Another lie, another about face, what else is new?

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:



    You know the rest.

  3. jst1 says:

    Proof of evolution.

  4. Morgan says:

    Ba’a Raak Hussein Al’Bama believes Allah did not make Adam and Steve

  5. Streetcred says:

    Obama needs to work out whether he is a Christian or Muslim … he can’t be both, or can he?

  6. lemoutongris says:

    Don’t push it. THe repel of DOMA only applies to the federal level. Besides, there was no constitutional basis of DOMA in the first place

    • Therefore it is OK for Obama to lie about it. Good thinking.

    • Gamecock says:

      No Constitutional basis??? The Constitution does not prohibit the Federal Government from declaring that “marriage” is between a man and a women. This is not a declaration that a man cannot enter into a contract relationship with his horse; it just declares that such a union is not “marriage.” And, as such, other states don’t have to recognize such unions as marriage.

      • lemoutongris says:

        “The Constitution does not prohibit the Federal Government from declaring that “marriage” is between a man and a women. ”

        Yes: the 10th amendment. And your comparison with horses is a non sequitur. Contracts can only be signed by consenting adults.

        ” other states don’t have to recognize such unions as marriage.”

        My pojnt exactly. THey still do

  7. Shazaam says:

    Yeah. The liar-in-chief’s lips were moving all right.

    This ought to get the Army recruiting efforts off to a fever pitch: Gay soldiers at Fort Campbell open up on coming out

    The laughingstock-in-chief and his merry band of PC czars have hit yet another low. I expect re-enlistment numbers are going to change a mite.

    The late night comics will have a field day coining new tag lines for the “new” army.

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