Fewest 100 Degree Readings In Over A Century In The US

Through July 27, NOAA US HCN stations have reported the fewest number of 100 degree readings, since at least 1910. In 1936, almost 10 times as many 100 degree readings were reported.

ScreenHunter_1385 Jul. 29 01.13

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Fewest 100 Degree Readings In Over A Century In The US

  1. omanuel says:

    Steven, you are confusing the public by showing measurements.

    The measurements can’t be right if they don’t agree with the computer projections from expensive computers following programs designed by high-ranking scientists like Hanson.

  2. philjourdan says:

    We had one day this year. None last year.

  3. pesce9991 says:

    Still has no meaning for global averages.

    • Shazaam says:

      Ah, so it is “global averages” are the important climate metric this month?

      I just love how the key data points, measurement methods, raw data “adjustments” and models just keep changing on a month-by-month basis to keep the CAGW scam alive.

      For a “settled science” the only thing that appears to be settled is the absolute, unquestioning belief in the validity of those computer-generated fantasy climate models predicting imminent doom for the planet for the last 20 years.

      • JT says:

        “For a “settled science” the only thing that appears to be settled is the absolute, unquestioning belief in the validity of those computer-generated fantasy climate models predicting imminent doom for the planet for the last 20 years.”

        Well said.

      • Gail Combs says:


        But you spelled psychience wrong.

        From WIKI:
        Psyche (Psyché in French) is the Greek term for “soul It may also refer to:
        1 Mythology….

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