Must Have Been A Teleprompter Error

On WTOP tonight they said that the low temperature in DC tonight would be in the low 60s, with outlying areas at 55 degrees. This is of course impossible.

It is late July, and due to global warming temperatures can’t possibly be that cold. Also, NCDC says that UHI is only 0.1F, so a 5+F UHI effect can’t possibly be correct.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Must Have Been A Teleprompter Error

  1. Morgan says:

    It’s a polar vortex. The low temps are caused by warming.

  2. John Smith says:

    Dear Mr. Heller, I noticed in your bio that you have a degree in geology. Michael Mann has a degree in geophysics. I recently was talking to a fellow who invests large sums of money in oil and gas. He said that he spends $300,000 a year on meteoroligists to help him better invest his money. This reinforces my suspicion that Al Gore’s partners from the largest investment bank in the world, Goldman Sachs would not be ignorant of such information as is contained in the graphs in my blog. It is their business to know such things. I first began to wonder about a possible connection between earthquakes and global warming in connection with the warming of water caused by stirring and the elevated number of monster earthquakes in recent decades. Six of the top ten eathquakes in the last hundred years have been in the last fifteen years. But according to the basic geology, most of the warming is caused by the grinding friction between tectonic plates. Even without knowing the friction involved might it be possible to get a close approximation of the amount of heat released by knowing the mass and velcocity of the plates as in the case of the heat dissipated in a car’s brakes being approximately equal to the kinetic energy of the moving car?

    I still find it hard to believe that the close correlation between seismic heat release in recent decades and global temperature was not common knowledge a long time ago.

    Sincerely, John Smith

    • stewart pid says:

      John … where do you get your data about earthquakes in the last 100 years, specifically the 6/10 biggies in the past 15 years? As a geologist I’m just curious.

  3. handjive says:

    Imagine how much colder it would have been without Doomsday Global Warming!

  4. Morgan says:

    In order to answer that question we’re going to need your friend to invest $300,000

  5. DEEBEE says:

    Once it has gone through the Fast Zeke/Mosher Transform all will be smoothed out

  6. philjourdan says:

    Enjoy it while it lasts! it is very atypical for this time of year.

  7. David A says:

    “I first began to wonder about a possible connection between earthquakes and global warming in connection with the warming of water caused by stirring and the elevated number of monster earthquakes in recent decades.”
    What? I think someone has been stirring the cool-aid.

  8. drtim12 says:

    To Mr Smith: Stop by Parkfield ,Ca and do some temp readings for about a year then tell us if the earthquakes are effecting our environment. Don’t NOAA adjust the actual readings use actual. There is a Quake several times a day. We are still waiting for the “Big one” out here.

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