Monthly Archives: July 2014

1923 : Radical Change Of Climate – Unheard Of High Temperatures – Glaciers Vanished

NASA and NOAA have since erased the 1920s warmth. 07 Apr 1923 – NORTH POLE MELTING. CHANGE OF CLIMATE. MANY GLAC…

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Greenland Was Much Warmer During The MWP

05 Oct 1950 – Weather Theory Debunked History Gives Lie To Cycles

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For Most Of Earth’s History, The Poles Were Very Warm

17 Jan 1925 – Earth Declared Sate From Glaciers

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The Evidence For The MWP And LIA Was Overwhelming – Long Before Michael Mann Tried To Erase It

The South Australian  22 January 1880 A French writer has published an interesting article on the subject, in which he maintains that there is every proof the climate of Europe has been, within comparatively recent time, becoming colder. In proof of this  Arago is … Continue reading

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More On The NOAA June Fraud

NOAA says that June was the hottest month in Earth’s history, despite the fact that Satellite temperatures showed it wasn’t even close to hottest. NOAA failed to mention this in their press release, even though they are obviously aware of … Continue reading

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More USHCN Raw Temperature Madness

Yesterday I reported that USHCN raw monthly temperatures do not match the daily temperatures for the corresponding month, and the changes from raw daily to raw monthly produce a bias which makes their TOBS adjustment look legitimate. So I started … Continue reading

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NOAA Breaks Their Dishonesty Record Two Months In A Row

NOAA has entered the realm of blatant, unabashed fraud in their current discussions about climate. News from The Associated Press More accurate satellite data which actually measures troposphere temperatures, shows that NOAA’s claims of record heat are incorrect. NOAA’s failure … Continue reading

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At The Peak Of The Melt Season, The Arctic Goes Silent

There has been almost no change in Arctic sea ice over the past three days.  Green shows ice gain since July 17. Red shows ice loss. Gr  

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Nothing To See Here, Move Along

A few months ago, NASA, NOAA and a few other of their partners in global warming fraud suddenly started jacking up global temperatures and making pronouncements that 2014 is the hottest year ever. This is complete nonsense, as more accurate satellite … Continue reading

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Arctic Makes Obscene Gesture Towards Nobel Laureate

Nobel Laureate Al Gore predicted an ice free Arctic in 2014. Gaia may be unhappy about this, but this particular act of disobedience appears to have gone beyond good taste. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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