Monthly Archives: July 2014

Arctic Ice Continues To Track 2006

2006 had the highest Arctic sea ice minimum extent of the past decade, and 2014 is tracking 2006 quite closely.  COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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Don’t Let Them Steal your Soul

People like Barack Obama depend on creating chaos, fear and panic. Their power and revenue stream is completely dependent on it. Turn off your TV and don’t support the Hollywood fear/violence machine. I haven’t had a television for over 20 … Continue reading

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1896 – An Incredibly Hot Summer In Both Hemispheres

The year 1896 brought record heat to both hemispheres, with CO2 below 300 PPM. Interesting how climatologists pretend this didn’t happen, and in fact NASA has largely erased it from the temperature record. The summer of 1896 was the hottest on … Continue reading

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Common Core Introduces A New Gaming Standard For American Students

The People’s Cube Store – The People’s Cube

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McAlester, Oklahoma Obliterates Their Cold Record

 Yesterday was 15 degrees colder than McAlester, Oklahoma’s previous record for July 17, and 40 degrees colder than the same date in 1936 h/t to Andy DC

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Global Warming Is Making Chicago An Extremely Cold Hot Place

Global warming is making Chicago extremely cold, and putting people at risk for heat exhaustion. Climate change has brought Chicago unpredictable and increasingly extreme weather. a wet, cool July. Extreme hot temperatures put our guests and employees at risk for … Continue reading

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Must Have Been A Teleprompter Error

On WTOP tonight they said that the low temperature in DC tonight would be in the low 60s, with outlying areas at 55 degrees. This is of course impossible. It is late July, and due to global warming temperatures can’t … Continue reading

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Shock News Of Conspiratorial Data Tampering

I was listening to a Congressional hearing the other day, which had whistle blowers from the VA reporting on how management was tampering with the VA performance data for political purposes. I simply don’t find it credible that US government employees … Continue reading

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Another Nail In The TOBS Coffin

Someone was suggesting earlier that the graph below showing NCDC TOBS adjustments are unwanted, might just be a coincidence. So I did a correlation between the two data sets, and found it is excellent. The important thing to remember is these two … Continue reading

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NASA Hacking Australia

Jennifer Marohasy dug up a 1952 CSIRO paper, which shows sharp Australian cooling from the hot 1890s to the 1920s. I overlaid the GISS average summer temperature 10 year ending mean for Alice Springs, on the equivalent CSIRO maximum temperature graph … Continue reading

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