Monthly Archives: July 2014

Little Ice Loss Over The Past Five Days

The Arctic melt season will be starting to wind down in the next three weeks, and there is very little going on. Red shows ice extent loss over the past five days, and green shows gain.   Here is the same … Continue reading

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The Mid-Troposphere Cold Spot

Satellite temperatures should be warming faster than surface temperatures, but they aren’t according to Berserkley Earth. Quite the opposite. There were various theories floating around today about land only, RSS/UAH etc. The graph below should clear them up. Berkeley Earth … Continue reading

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It Isn’t About Science

When confronted with the major issues I have presented, the Berkeley Earth, NASA and NOAA people demonstrate that their only interest is producing graphs showing warming while maintaining some appearance of plausible deniability. Actual scientists would want to understand why their data … Continue reading

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Latest Polar Bear Drowning Pictures

Alaskan Bears are having to wade through several feet of shallow puddles to get to the ice, causing thousands of premature drownings. Barrow Sea Ice Webcam

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Gun Grabbing Cuomo Embarasses Himself Again

You can’t make up stupid and arrogant like Democratic politicians. Syracuse, N.Y. — Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters last week that the rare deadly tornado that struck Madison County on July 8 was part of a “new normal” of extreme … Continue reading

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Criticizing Democrats Is Now A Hate Crime

On WTOP this morning and they said that someone spray painted “No undocumented Democrats” on a building where Obama wanted to house future illegal Democratic voters, and it was being investigated by DOJ as a hate crime.

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The Muller/Mosher Hockey Stick

Richard Muller mis-represented himself to the Koch Brothers, took money from them to create a temperature record, and hired a non-scientist to be his chief scientist. (Update : Zeke says Mosher is not the chief scientist.) Since the global warming pause … Continue reading

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Arctic Sea Ice Extent Continues To Track 2006

Arctic sea ice is following a very similar track as 2006, which had the highest summer minimum of the past decade. Note that there has been almost no change in extent over the last three days. COI | Centre for Ocean … Continue reading

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Rand Paul Explains Obama’s Imminent Plan To Destroy The Bill of Rights

Dear Fellow Patriot, Anti-gun statists around the globe believe they have it made. The United Nations is done with its dirty work finalizing the details of their so-called “Small Arms Treaty.” With the full backing of the Obama administration for … Continue reading

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Climate Model Release

// Most climate models are written in Fortran, // but I have developed a more accurate one in C++ // Note that method fundingDriesUp() is virtual // and can be overridden by an educated Congress class ClimateScam { public: static … Continue reading

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