Monthly Archives: July 2014

Air Conditioning Corrupts Absolutely

One reason people believe the climate is heating is due to air conditioning, which makes them much more sensitive to the heat. Heat index here in Maryland  the last couple of days is near 100 degrees – with the dew … Continue reading

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Tim Howard Takes On Belgium, And Almost Wins

The US dominated possession due to good play in the midfield, but Belgium completely dominated in front of the goals. Had the game gone on 10 more minutes, the US still probably would have tied it.

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Precision Vs. Accuracy

Some people are impressed by web sites which do a lot of very precise math on data with much lower accuracy. When they see a lot of math and technical jargon, they assume that the writer must be doing really good science. I’ve … Continue reading

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Why My Approach Is (By Far) The Best Approach

Every method has its advantages and disadvantages. The USHCN database has more than 81,000,000 daily temperature readings going to 1895. It is a scientific obscenity to attempt to “adjust” that many records. Adjustments open the door to confirmation bias or … Continue reading

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NCDC Withheld Critical Information Ahead Of The EPA Ruling

NCDC says that they knew the problems with the temperature record were as large as I described, yet failed to report this information to Congress or the courts ahead of the EPA ruling. #NOAAgate

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You Can’t Win With A Team That Doesn’t Want To Win

I’m not talking about soccer.

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Government Scientists “Expected” The Huge Problems We Found

You can’t make this stuff up. NCDC “expected” problems as large as Paul and I found. Although all estimated values are identified in the USHCN dataset, NCDC’s intent was to use a flagging system that distinguishes between the two types … Continue reading

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Howard And Bradley Yes! Dempsey And Jones No!

Outstanding defense and midfield play, but the strikers looked like rank amateurs. Exciting match and kudos to Klinsmann for a huge improvement from four years ago. They did need Donovan though.

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Averaging Un-Tampered Raw Temperature Data Is “Bogus”

Politihack did a followup : Judith Curry, a climatologist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, also originally downplayed Heller’s claims. But after seeing the data from Texas, Curry acknowledged that he might have had a point. “I infer from this … Continue reading

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Thermometer Data Drives Them Crazy

The number of hysterical bloggers upset by my use of the complete, raw, untampered HCN thermometer record – is quite remarkable. Some have called my use of untampered data – “data tampering.” Their obvious next topic – Why is a raven like a … Continue reading

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