Warning From Hank Johnson

All that excess ice at the South Pole may cause the Earth to tip over, and turn Canada into the “land down under.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Warning From Hank Johnson

  1. 1957chev says:

    Then we would have the proper climate for unicorns, and maybe even wood nymphs…

  2. Dave N says:

    Taking Charles Berlitz to the next level

  3. I’m developing motion sickness from the wobble created by all that excess frozen baggage down there.

  4. There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:


    With it’s pants full of Sea Ice, the Earth would be more like the child’s toy called a weevil. And like a weevil the Earth may wobble but it won’t fall down. ;<)

  5. au1corsair says:

    Earth tip over? Is that a real quote? I find it difficult to believe that an “educated person” could spout off so–unless high or drunk or otherwise impaired. Earth isn’t balanced on a spindle or floating in a vat of liquid. The orbiting moon acts as a counterweight, too, because of interaction between strong Earth and weak Moon gravity fields.

    Besides, in Space there is neither up nor down.

    So, where was the original quote published?

    • Mike D says:

      Google for Hank Johnson Guam. It wasn’t about the earth, but the logic isn’t any better.

    • Ginger says:

      In this case, I believe the phrase “otherwise impaired” is, indeed, the operative excuse..

      I cannot, however, lend that same excuse for equally moronic statements that are made, on a regular basis, by Gina McCarthy, our President, John Holdren, John Podesta, Sally Jewell, Ernest Moniz, Harry Reid, Al Gore and a host of others.

      Correction: After careful consideration, I believe that Al Gore and Harry Reid can use the “otherwise impaired”.

    • James the Elder says:

      Just so you won’t think Jackson is a one-off, Shiela Jackson Lee, another mountain of political genius, is still waiting for the flag the astronauts planted on Mars to be brought back.

  6. Truthseeker says:

    Has there been a transposition error?

    Shouldn’t it be “Wanking from Harn Johnson”?

  7. philjourdan says:

    😆 He is never going to be allowed to forget that moment of senility.

  8. Cincinnatis says:

    You can never go wrong with a Hank Johnson quote – even if it is tongue and cheek. Sad thing is he is still in congress and hasn’t been run out of town by an educated electorate.

    • Jason Calley says:

      Even worse, he is a member in good standing of a group that believes that they know better how to run our lives than we do. Worse still, their collective opinions on how we should run our lives are backed up by the most powerful military and ruthless bureaucracies on the planet.

  9. darrylb says:

    Say What!!!

  10. Margaret Berger says:

    There is an educated electorate? Who knew? I am with Rush on this one, I think our problem is the “low information voter” now rules.

  11. marge says:

    All one has to do to see why there are so many lo-info voters, is to spend a couple of random days in a public school classroom. Any age anywhere in the country it will not make a difference.

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