Monthly Archives: August 2014

If Only We Had Listened To The Climatologists

In 1975, climatologists were trying to warn politicians to take action against global cooling. Foolishly, the politicians turned a deaf ear, and refused to take even simple remedial steps like melting the Arctic with black soot. 

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Learning To Analyze Data Like An Arctic Expert

During the first week of July, I predicted that Arctic sea ice extent was about to take a sharp turn towards the median. This was based on very simple geometry, geography, current ice conditions and the weather forecast. Our friends … Continue reading

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My Old Boss – The Whack Job

ASPEN, Colo. — President Jimmy Carter called a tax on carbon emissions “the only reasonable approach” to combating climate change during an appearance here Tuesday, but lamented that even piecemeal actions are unlikely to get through a divided Congress. Carter, 89, … Continue reading

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Does WordPress Have The World’s Most Incompetent Programmers?

WordPress keeps making their interface worse and worse. Today they took a giant step back to about 1985, by completely eliminating WYSIWYG from their editing forms.

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Evening NCDC Fraud Report

NCDC published this amazing map today, which wildly inflates US January-July temperature rankings. For now, I am going to focus on Colorado, which they show as 24th warmest. Colorado has actually been very close to the mean at 49th warmest. … Continue reading

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State Of The Climate Report

Government experts tell us that the weather is getting hotter and more extreme, because it is their job to lie about the climate. Their job keeps getting tougher. The US is currently experiencing the longest stretch of years (almost 9) … Continue reading

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Another Proxy For NOAA Temperature Fraud

According to NOAA, the US is experiencing a just below average temperature year – despite the fact that their own thermometer data shows 2014 as one of the coldest on record. Here is another proxy which demonstrates that their claims … Continue reading

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Antarctic Sea Ice Area Above Normal For 990 Consecutive Days

With Antarctic ice growing at record rates for the past 35 years, climate experts tell us that Antarctica is melting down. Sea ice extent has been above normal every day for the past 990 days and is growing at a … Continue reading

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Six Years Since Serreze Predicted An Ice-Free North Pole

Mark Serreze says I am breathtakingly ignorant. He also predicts the North Pole will be ice-free in 2008 Fri June 27, 2008   North Pole could be ice-free this summer, scientists say The North Pole may be briefly ice-free by September as … Continue reading

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Washington DC Area Having Its Coolest August Since 1946

So far, August temperatures around DC are third coolest on record and the coolest in almost 70 years. The hottest August occurred in the year 1900.

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