Climate Scientist Required – Those With Brains Need Not Apply

As Antarctic sea ice soars to record levels, experts warn that penguins are threatened by disappearing sea ice.

ScreenHunter_6856 Feb. 07 01.08

Unhappy Feet: Global Warming Threatens Emperor Penguins

iphone.anomaly.antarctic (8) iphone.anomaly.antarctic.png (512×412)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to Climate Scientist Required – Those With Brains Need Not Apply

  1. Hew Manatee says:

    Penguins are the new polar bears.

    • Jimbo says:

      Yeah, their numbers ‘increased’.

      Live Science – 13 April 2012
      Emperor Penguin Numbers Double Previous Estimates, Satellites Show
      …. Emperor penguins in Antarctica are far more plentiful than previously thought, a study that used extremely high-resolution imagery snapped by satellites has revealed.

      “It surprised us that we approximately doubled the population estimate,” said Peter Fretwell, a scientist with the British Antarctic Survey and lead author of a paper published today in the journal PLoS One…..

      • Jimbo says:

        Here is the paper.

        Abstract – April 13, 2012
        …..We estimated the breeding population of emperor penguins at each colony during 2009 and provide a population estimate of ~238,000 breeding pairs (compared with the last previously published count of 135,000–175,000 pairs). Based on published values of the relationship between breeders and non-breeders, this translates to a total population of ~595,000 adult birds……
        An Emperor Penguin Population Estimate: The First Global, Synoptic Survey of a Species from Space

  2. Don says:

    Why is she molesting that penguin?

  3. AndyG55 says:

    LOL, That Chris Crawford guy on the link is a really whoopy-do loonie !!

    Into “the philosophy of computer games” (ie probably thinks climate models are real)
    Also links to Mickey Mann on his face-plant page.

    Quite hilarious ignorance shown by some of his comments.

    Well worth the read if you want a laugh. 🙂

  4. Marsh says:

    Never mind the Penguins, they are doing fine ; Global Warming Scientists will become the threatened species , once this AGW farce unravels…

  5. Bloke down the pub says:

    Meanwhile, being manhandled by scientists will of course have no adverse effect on the well-being of penguins.

    • Gail Combs says:

      As they transfer disease from bird to bird….

      Remember the frog species that was dying out because of Gore Bull Warbling only it turns out it was a disease carried from location to location by the biologists?

      ….Then came the Eureka moment—aha, it must be global warming!

      This played to widespread audiences, received beaucoup media attention and, of course, found its way into Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth.

      But, alas, this theory, too, wilted under the harsh glare of science, as new research has now pretty definitively linked an infection of the chytrid fungus to declines, and even local extinctions, of frog and toad species around the world.

      Perhaps the biggest irony in all of this, is that while researchers fell all over themselves to link anthropogenic environmental impacts to the frog declines, turns out that as they traipsed through the woods and rainforests to study the frogs, the researchers themselves quite possibly helped spread the chytrid fungus to locations and populations where it had previously been absent…..

      Fro example one study showed Foot and Mouth disease was found in human nasal passages for up to 28 hours but less than 48 hours after contact with animals.

  6. emsnews says:

    The same thing is happening to Antarctic penguins: human researchers are giving the poor birds diseases!!!

    It is disgusting. There is no need for them to manhandle the baby birds, we can see from drones and satellites how many there are. And they are struggling right now due to too much ice, not too little ice.

    • NielsZoo says:

      I believe we need to start a mandatory reporting program where any researcher receiving a grant to study penguins must be listed in a Southern Hemisphere wide Penguin Molester Database. Said researchers must report their workplaces, normal travel routes and domiciles (permanent and temporary) to local wildlife officials for inclusion on searchable online maps made available to all penguins. They are further required to maintain 1,000m distance from any penguin nursery, school or park and may not have contact with any teen, juvenile or child penguin. Since recent census data reveals that penguins tend not to own computers nor peruse government sponsored web sites a portion of each researcher’s grant shall go toward the purchase of cold hardened computer and free WiFi for each penguin family with chicks.

      It is further suggested (by the teacher’s union) that free schooling in computer literacy be provided at public expense to those penguins who lack computer skills.

  7. The only need they have is to satisfy their own self.

  8. Slywolfe says:

    Wake up people! Arctic penguins are already extinct!

  9. Slywolfe says:

    I thought penguin rookeries were on land, and penguins “commuted” to the ocean to fish; and growing sea ice forced them to commute farther for food.

    • Slywolfe says:

      *I am not a penguin scientist*

      • Gail Combs says:

        Depends on the penquin.

        From a Warmist site:

        ….On land, Adélies (left) are quick, can jump from rock to rock, and climb very steep slopes easily. They build nests out of small rocks, especially those left behind by glaciers. The prefer areas to build nests that are not steep. In contrast, the Emperor (right) is large, slow and clumsy. Instead of building a nest on land, one large egg is nestled on their feet and covered by a fold of skin on their lower stomach. Thus, Emperors raise chicks on flat frozen ocean that remains almost the whole year in coastal bays….

        ….Emperors do not build nests but carry their egg and small chick on top of their feet in a large pouch formed by a fold of skin. A few weeks after hatching, chicks can stand on the sea ice but are protected by their parents from the cold….

        Newly unearthed fossils have revealed that Antarctica was once home to the biggest species of penguin ever discovered. It was 2 metres long and weighed a hefty 115 kilograms.

        Palaeeudyptes klekowskii lived 37 to 40 million years ago. This was “a wonderful time for penguins, when 10 to 14 species lived together along the Antarctic coast”, says Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche of the La Plata Museum in Argentina.

        She has been excavating fossil deposits on Seymour Island, off the Antarctic peninsula. This was a warmer region 40 million years ago, with a climate like that of present-day Tierra del Fuego, the islands at the southern tip of South America….

  10. Slywolfe says:

    The originally linked article seems to use “Adélies” and “Emperor” interchangeably.

    • Gail Combs says:

      As I said Warmist site. But I do recall the Emperor supports the egg on its feet while nesting on the ice.

      Given the millions of years that penguins have been around including the Wisconsin Ice Age, the Holocene Optimun and the very rapid climate change of the Younger Dryas in more recent time, I doubt the climate changing is a problem. However when it comes to stupid warmists like the Chris mas Turkey, all bets are off.

      NOAA: The end of the Younger Dryas, about 11,500 years ago, was particularly abrupt. In Greenland, temperatures rose 10° C (18° F) in a decade

      • Marsh says:

        The Australian Academy of Science in 2014 presented an Academy award to Chris mas Turkey to “celebrate scientific excellence” ? Reminds me of Al Gor ithm for his Nobel Prize for presenting Misplaced Data & a Costly War on Global Warming .

        To show how excellent , their excellence is , the Frederick White Prize for scientific achievements contributing to the understanding of natural phenomena goes to Professor Chris Turney, University of New South Wales. His “Ship Of Fools” expedition was most remarkable in that no person died OR maybe , he was given the award for “disproving”
        Anthropogenic Global Warming ; given his raw findings & outcomes ! They have one
        point of understanding ; how to dress like Penguins when they received their awards!

  11. I hope you see this Steve,
    Check this out:
    This is perhaps the most deceptive collection of Climate Industrial Complex Marketing Activist Claptrap I’ve ever seen in one place. Shocking. I seriously doubt any of the claims are true.

    If Minnesota NPR gets any public funding, they should be called out on it. So far, I haven’t found out who funds them.

  12. au1corsair says:

    Anybody ever hear of the African penguin?

    “African Penguin population dropped from 1.5 million to less than 55,00o in the past 100 years.”
    African Penguin and Human Interaction
    There have been some human interactions in an effort to help them survive. After that oil spill in 2000, many volunteers helped to move almost 20,000 African Penguins from the area. This way they could have sufficient time to clean up the oil as those penguins make the three week swim back to their natural habitat. Others have been given tracking devices so that their movements can be monitored and information recorded.

    It’s also known as the jackass penguin because of its vocalizations.
    Look, Ma! No ice!

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