Huffington Post Predicts Six Feet Of Sea Level Rise In New York

A disconcerting report released last week revealed that New York City could see a 6-foot rise in sea levels by the end of this century. It would make nearly half a million New Yorkers vulnerable to flooding, and waterfront properties would be virtually uninhabitable.

Here’s What Will Happen To New York City If The World’s Ice Sheets Melt

Sea level has been rising at a constant rate in New York since 1860, due to glacial rebound after the last ice age. It shows no sign of accelerating. The dashed line below shows the mindless Huffington Post forecast.

ScreenHunter_7411 Feb. 25 05.45

But what if climate change continues unabated for even longer? What will New York City look like if, say, both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets melt completely, raising sea levels an estimated 260 feet?

Doesn’t get any more stupid or dishonest than this.

ScreenHunter_7413 Feb. 25 05.48

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Huffington Post Predicts Six Feet Of Sea Level Rise In New York

  1. Gail Combs says:

    The whole ‘Sea Level Rise’ story is just like the rest of the CAGW myth, manufactured propaganda!

    One problem is the sea level data is not raw data but adjusted data.

    This figure shows changes in sea level during the Holocene, the time following the end of the most recent glacial period, based on data from Fleming et al. 1998, Fleming 2000, & Milne et al. 2005. These papers collected data from various reports and adjusted them for subsequent vertical geologic motions, primarily those associated with post-glacial continental and hydroisostatic rebound….

    The second problem is the earth has been cooling since the Holocene optimum, glaciers have re-established and the sea level has FALLEN. Amazing how the ~ 1.5 meter fall in sea level since the Holocene Optimum never shows on any of the sacred graphs.

    Mid to late Holocene sea-level reconstruction of Southeast Vietnam using beachrock and beach-ridge deposits

    ….backshore deposits along the tectonically stable south-eastern Vietnamese coast document Holocene sea level changes…..reconstructed for the last 8000 years….The rates of sea-level rise decreased sharply after the rapid early Holocene rise and stabilized at a rate of 4.5 mm/year between 8.0 and 6.9 ka. Southeast Vietnam beachrocks reveal that the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand slightly above + 1.4 m was reached between 6.7 and 5.0 ka, with a peak value close to + 1.5 m around 6.0 ka….

    Sea-level highstand recorded in Holocene shoreline deposits on Oahu, Hawaii

    Unconsolidated carbonate sands and cobbles on Kapapa Island, windward Oahu, are 1.4-2.8 (+ or – 0.25) m above present mean sea level (msl)…we interpret the deposit to be a fossil beach or shoreline representing a highstand of relative sea level during middle to late Holocene time. Calibrated radiocarbon dates of coral and mollusc samples, and a consideration of the effect of wave energy setup, indicate that paleo-msl was at least 1.6 (+ or – 0.45) m above present msl prior to 3889-3665 cal. yr B.P, possibly as early as 5532-5294 cal. yr B.P., and lasted until at least 2239-1940 cal. yr B.P

    Verification by another method:
    Sea Level Changes Past Records and Future Expectations

    For the last 40-50 years strong observational facts indicate virtually stable sea level conditions. The Earth’s rate of rotation records an [average] acceleration from 1972 to 2012, contradicting all claims of a rapid global sea level rise, and instead suggests stable, to slightly falling, sea levels.

    Ice free Arctic Ocean, an Early Holocene analogue

    Extensive systems of wave generated beach ridges along the North Greenland coasts show that these areas once saw seasonally open water. In addition to beach ridges, large amounts of striated boulders in and on the marine sediments from the same period also indicate that the ocean was open enough for ice bergs to drift along the shore and drop their loads. Presently the North Greenland coastline is permanently beleaguered by pack ice, and ice bergs are very rare and locked up in the sea ice….The beach ridges occur as isostatically raised “staircases”, and C14-dated curves for relative sea level change show that they were formed in the Early Holocene. A large set of samples of molluscs from beach ridges and marine sediments were collected in the summer of 2007, and are presently being dated to give a precise dating of the ice free interval. Preliminary results indicate that it fell within the interval from c. 8.5 to c. 6 ka – being progressively shorter from south to north. We therefore conclude that for a period in the Early Holocene, probably for a millenium or more, the Arctic Ocean was free of sea ice at least for shorter periods in the summer….

    A new approach for reconstructing glacier variability based on lake sediments recording input from more than one glacier January 2012
    Kristian Vasskoga Øyvind Paaschec, Atle Nesjea, John F. Boyled, H.J.B. Birks

    …. A multi-proxy numerical analysis demonstrates that it is possible to distinguish a glacier component in the ~ 8000-yr-long record, based on distinct changes in grain size, geochemistry, and magnetic composition…. This signal is …independently tested through a mineral magnetic provenance analysis of catchment samples. Minimum glacier input is indicated between 6700–5700 cal yr BP, probably reflecting a situation when most glaciers in the catchment had melted away, whereas the highest glacier activity is observed around 600 and 200 cal yr BP. During the local Neoglacial interval (~ 4200 cal yr BP until present), five individual periods of significantly reduced glacier extent are identified at ~ 3400, 3000–2700, 2100–2000, 1700–1500, and ~ 900 cal yr BP….

  2. Gail Combs says:

    Is there anything that the ClimAstrologists have not manipulated and twisted out of all recognition?

    ALL four legs upon which the CAGW scare is based are manufactured. Above I showed how the Sea level data is ‘adjusted’ to show rising not falling sea levels.

    Tony and others show the temperature records are adjusted to fit the rising temperature narrative. Lief Svalgaard and his buddies are busy adjusting the solar data to flatten out the solar minimums. To down play any solar influence.

    And then there is CO2 which is neglected by skeptics. (Thanks to the warmist Englebeen on WUWT.)

    Jaworowski, Segalstad and Ono showed the ice core CO2 records are consistently too low. Ernest Beck showed the historic CO2 records were cherry-picked.

    Jaworowski and Segalstad showed the IPCC’s CO2 residence time (lifetime) of 50-200 years is completely bogus. Stumm & Morgan (1970), Murray (1992), and Segalstad (1992) all came up with ~5 years by different methods. With such short residence times for atmospheric CO2, Essenhigh (2009) correctly points out that it is impossible for the anthropogenic combustion supply of CO2 to cause the given rise in atmospheric CO2. Consequently, a rising atmospheric CO2 concentration must be natural.

    Dr. Jeff Glassman shows the well-mixed conjecture is invalid. By losing its long residence time assumption, the Consensus finds its well-mixed conjecture invalidated. The admission in the TAR of CO2 gradients over the globe also contradicts its well-mixed claims….

    And to round it off Segalstad shows Ocean Acidification is bogus.

    When you actually look into the science behind each of the legs of the CAGW con you find nothing but shifting sand.

  3. It’s a broken cue stick.

  4. Steve Case says:

    Yes Virginia the historical sea level data is constantly rewritten. Here’s a comparison of data as it was in 2004 and ten years later in 2014.

    • DD More says:

      Or Carolina, for historical perspective.
      Looking at the effect sea levels have had over the past 230 years, what has been the result. See – An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina With Their Indian Frontiers, Shewing in a distinct manner all the Mountains, Rivers, Swamps, Marshes, Bays, Creeks, Harbours, Sandbanks and Soundings on the Coasts, ’1775′ –

      from NC Map

      Compare with a side by side google map and most of the features are still there. A side note that 1775 was at the end of the Little Ice Age and a whole lot of ice was on shore – See Glacier Bay NP.
      Glacier Bay was first surveyed in detail in 1794 by a team from the H.M.S. Discovery, captained by George Vancouver. At the time the survey produced showed a mere indentation in the shoreline. That massive glacier was more than 4,000 feet thick in places, up to 20 miles wide, and extended more than 100 miles to the St. Elias mountain range
      That’s 1 watershed valley.

  5. gator69 says:

    A disconcerting report released last week revealed that New York City could see a UFO invasion by the end of this century. It would make nearly half a million New Yorkers vulnerable to body snatching, and the rest would be kept in stock yards for butchering.

    Anyone can write fiction.

  6. Jimmy Haigh says:

    Surely glacial rebound causes sea level fall? Local sea level rise is generally caused by subsidence. For example, Northwest Scotland is seeing a relative sea level fall due to glacial rebound while Southeast England is seeing a relative sea level rise due to subsidence.

  7. Dave N says:

    Notice how MSM articles like that never include a graph of what SLR has been like up til now, and compare with their “projections”?

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