Learning To Debate Like A Climate Expert

Throw out an ad hom, get burned by it, and then accuse the other person of a non sequitur  for calling you on it.

ScreenHunter_6880 Feb. 07 09.11

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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30 Responses to Learning To Debate Like A Climate Expert

  1. emsnews says:

    Odd how Mark is the one playing the ‘put that person in the insane box by lying about them’ game.

    He is the one claiming you believe something you don’t believe. While he denies the truth about only one scientist ever walking on the moon (the rest were fly boys) and denying that this individual is also not a global warmist faithful.

    Talk about missing the ball every pitch! Good throwing on your part.

  2. emsnews says:

    I went to his facebook page. He is an engineer for NASA???? Wow.

    Talk about ‘stoopid’. This is embarrassing. But then, NASA has been steadily destroyed since I was a kid.

  3. philjourdan says:

    Twitter does not make you ignorant, but it sure displays it for all to see.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    It is not just ONE NASA scientist anymore:

    HOUSTON, TX – April 10, 2012.

    49 former NASA scientists and astronauts sent a letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden last week admonishing the agency for it’s role in advocating a high degree of certainty that man-made CO2 is a major cause of climate change while neglecting empirical evidence that calls the theory into question.

    The group, which includes seven Apollo astronauts and two former directors of NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, are dismayed over the failure of NASA, and specifically the Goddard Institute For Space Studies (GISS), to make an objective assessment of all available scientific data on climate change…..

    The group then formed:
    ONE MORE MISSION: The Right Cilmate Stuff

    Conclusions & Recommendations
    Jan 2013 & Feb 2014

    1. The science that predicts the extent of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is
    not settled science. (Jan 2013)

    2. Our US government is over-reacting to concerns about AGW. (Jan 2013)

    3. It is scientifically embarrassing that the EPA has declared CO2 to be a pollutant
    that must be regulated, since it is a naturally occurring substance required to
    sustain human, animal and plant life, and for which there is no substitute. (Jan 2013)

    4. We have concluded that the IPCC climate models are seriously flawed because
    they don’t agree very closely with measured empirical data….

  5. Stephen Richards says:

    Are you two talking to each other in these texts or is Haragan talking to someone else and sending it to the wrong person. His replies make no sense at all to me. It like two cross over conversations.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Welcome to the new Post Modern Scientific Logic. Aren’t you glad this guy is a US Government Engineer?

      I wonder if he could answer “How much is 6 X 9?” without hesitation or looking at a calculator…..

    • Gail Combs says:

      And no it is not cross over. Look at the @ SteveSGoddard as the first person in the address.

    • Streetcred says:

      That’s the MO of the Australian socialists … they have no capacity or logical thoughts.

  6. GoneWithTheWind says:

    The phrase “non sequitur” is the new “racist” claim. The purpose is to end discussion and claim victory.

    • Donna K. Becker says:

      Do they even know what “non sequitur” means? If they do, they have it backwards: what THEY say “does not follow.”

  7. Louis Hooffstetter says:

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

  8. Ernest Bush says:

    Subtlety is not a strong suit among climate alarmists, I see. One could see that maybe intelligence isn’t either. However, I think the real problem is they love to rattle on about things they don’t understand or have knowledge of as if they were experts. I’m 71 and it only took about one turn of the wheel to understand what Tony was saying. One of the greatest gripes about the space program of the 60’s was that there were no astronauts with a science background in the program.

    OTOH, the fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants methods they used to get to the moon required the skill set of experienced military pilots to insure the greatest chances of surviving the experience. It was thought at the time that there would be a new generation of space explorers to follow on the heels of those pioneers. What we got was the stupid, expensive, shuttle program which was kept in place long beyond its intended lifetime due to budget constraints and crony capitalism. Favored companies made a boatload of money refurbishing and re-launching relatively antique hardware back into orbit.

    Here we are 50 years later finally starting where the Apollo program left off. Those of us who were excited by the moon landings have waited while President Johnson’s Great Society movement has sucked all the money out of the room along with a space vehicle which was quickly outdated by technology, but which made a lot of government crony contractors rich. The government has completely dropped the ball in this area. Here’s hoping there are industrial pioneers enough to pick up the ball and run with it.

    Exploration of new territory fires up the imagination of those with a pioneering spirit. It also generates new technologies and better ways of doing things. Today propulsion technologies are being tested that could put us on Mars in 60 days. In the time it takes for me to drive from Yuma, AZ, to Disney World we can put a man in orbit around the moon from the surface of the earth ready to go to work. We did it 50 years ago. What are we waiting for?

    Why do we need to begin visiting our nearby space neighbors? It’s because they are there and they have wondrous things to show us. We will not learn from a dozen robot probes what one scientist standing on Mars can determine in a dozen hours with the right test equipment.

    Wow. All of this poured out of me just thinking about the lack of scientists in the Apollo astronaut program.

  9. Ernest Bush says:

    Just so you know I know, yes there were a few scientists put in the mix later in the Apollo program and we began to learn some things about the geology of the moon. They scratched the surface (pun intended) of what there is to learn.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Weren’t those the days Ernest? The possibilities opened to us kids in the sixties and seventies were slammed shut by the politicians intent on buy votes with our money and their corporate buddies sucking up as much of our wealth as they could.

      It seems the ‘elite’ like the Bilderburgers and Club of Rome are only interested in what type of breaks the can put on civilization.

    • rah says:

      The space race was far more about getting there than what they would do once there. The first 3 groups of Astronauts were all selected in large part based on test pilot experience and having engineering education. Thus the greatest stick and rudder man still an active military test pilot, Chuck Yeager simply did not qualify even though at about that same time he was running the Air Force test pilot school. There were 30 of the fly boys taken before the 4th group which consisted of 4 scientists and a physician selected.
      Among that fourth group, Schmitt had the inside track for a Moon mission because he was already high up in the group of geologists supporting the Apollo program and thus well connected. Even then it took a direct order from the Vice President to grounded astronaut Deke Slayton, who was in charge of crew assignments, to get Schmitt in the Lunar lander for the final Apollo mission. Deke and about every one else involved just didn’t think it was fair to take that seat away from the many more senior and experienced Astronauts that had already flown in Mercury and/or Gemini and worked so long to make it possible for the moon missions.

    • inMAGICn says:

      Sorry Ernest. “…scratched the surface…” is not a pun. (Pedantic pet peeve.)

  10. Joe says:

    Mark Harrigan is just angry like the other alarmists that the only scientist to walk on the moon is a climate skeptic. I think this really bugs them.

  11. igsy says:

    How is it possible to have a fourteen-word gish gallop?
    He must think you are a genius.

  12. stpaulchuck says:

    he needs to change his moniker to @skid_mark

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