Mark Twain Explains The Difficulty In Ending This Scam

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About Tony Heller

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16 Responses to Mark Twain Explains The Difficulty In Ending This Scam

  1. markstoval says:

    “One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.” ~ Mark Twain

  2. Dave N says:

    It’s easier to quote something from Mark Twain than to convince someone his name was actually Samuel Clemens.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Tell me about it. The company I worked for built a new set of offices within walking distance of John Chapman’s Birth place. The Chem Enginer was completely floored when I told him Johnny Appleseed was born up the road. He didn’t believe me until he drove up the road and checked out the plaque.

  3. Marsh says:

    If Mark Twain was alive today; I would say, he would see right through this AGW scam…

    • Jimbo says:

      Many Warmists know deep in their hearts they are wrong on CAGW. The problem is pride. After years of demonizing sceptics as being in the pay of Big Oil and calling them ‘deniers’ they cannot bring themselves to eat humble pie. They are now the deniers, and it has been shown that it is they who are in the pay of Big Oil. See here and here amongst many other examples.

      About 5 years ago I mentioned that it won’t be long before we know who the real deniers are. We have not entered that time. Sad but true.

  4. gator69 says:

    “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes”
    -Mark Twain

    Of course in today’s world, a lie can spread across the globe before the truth can log on to his WordPress website. 😉

  5. rah says:

    Oh, and the beat goes on:

    Professor: Conservative Efforts to ‘Degrade Mainstream Media’s Credibility’ Endanger Fact-Based Reporting

    Nicole Hemmer is a historian at the University of Miami and at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, where she explains America to Aussies. On Friday, she sought to explain conservatives’ attitude toward the mainstream media to the readers of the New Republic.

    Hemmer sees the right as engaged in a long-term effort to portray the MSM as not only philosophically biased in favor of liberalism, but also prone to factual error as a result of that bias. She contended that for conservatives, Dan Rather’s George W. Bush/Air National Guard story “was the exemplar of the connection between accuracy and bias…Why did journalists make these mistakes and editors fail to correct them? Because a liberal worldview kept them from questioning assumptions and double-checking information.”

    Conservatives, Hemmer argued, are out to promote righty media outlets as well as to marginalize the MSM and its claims to impartiality: “The Brian Williams case, with its lack of any overt political angle, represents the next stage in the evolution of the accuracy argument…The point is to continue to degrade mainstream media’s credibility (which has plunged dramatically since the 1990s), making room for their own explicitly ideological models…In an era when ideologues increasingly choose their own facts, the partisan policing of accuracy threatens to do in factuality altogether.”

    The liberal scholar wrote about Accuracy In Media and Edith Efron’s book The News Twisters starting the ball rolling in the Nixon years, but there was no reference at all to the Media Research Center in this conservative sector.

    From Hemmer’s article, headlined “Conservatives Have Waged a 50-Year War to Prove the News Media Can’t Be Trusted” (bolding added):

    When the Brian Williams scandal broke, conservatives touted it…as a breakthrough moment in their war on media bias…

    The leap from one newsman’s fictionalized war story to systematic liberal bias in mainstream media is a long one; Williams’s apparent flaw was self-aggrandizement, not ideology. But the conservative response is more than just a reflexive use of the right’s most enduring media critique. Conservative activists learned long ago that in order to tear down the MSM, they would have to do more than make a case for bias. They would have to go after journalists’ accuracy as well…

    For conservatives, the [Dan Rather/George W. Bush/Air National Guard story] was the exemplar of the connection between accuracy and bias…Why did journalists make these mistakes and editors fail to correct them? Because a liberal worldview kept them from questioning assumptions and double-checking information.

    The Brian Williams case, with its lack of any overt political angle, represents the next stage in the evolution of the accuracy argument. Conservatives who pillory the mainstream media because of Williams have no need for the bias argument. The point is to continue to degrade mainstream media’s credibility (which has plunged dramatically since the 1990s), making room for their own explicitly ideological models. As [Sarah] Palin put it, the Williams scandal helps “justify our complete turning away from his ilk in the news media” and toward, presumably, sources like Fox News, Breitbart, and talk radio.

    This evolution in the media bias argument illustrates how the right has come to use different metrics for conservative media and mainstream media. Inaccuracies in conservative media do not derail conservative personalities in the same way as Williams’s inaccuracies have, because an argument can have factual inaccuracies but still be ideologically “true.” Lacking those overt ideological claims, mainstream media can be discredited by being factually wrong.

    That divergence has consequences, both troubling and absurd. It leads to the bizarre spectacle of people like Palin and the team at “Fox & Friends” holding themselves out as arbiters of accuracy. And the more that journalistic accuracy is associated [with] liberal bias, the more likely it is to become politicized. In an era when ideologues increasingly choose their own facts, the partisan policing of accuracy threatens to do in factuality altogether.

    Journalists should be taken to task when they’re wrong, of course. With the blossoming of hyper-partisan media and politics, Americans need news media to get the facts right. But in using the Williams case to discredit the mainstream media altogether, conservatives threaten to move the country further from that goal.

    • Gail Combs says:


      So Nicole Hemmer isn’t happy that people are catching on that the news media is nothing but a propaganda media for the Progressives.

      Tough tits Nicole.
      This 36 page report on a variety of polls says you are all wet.

      ….Evidence of how hard journalists lean to the left was provided by S. Robert Lichter, then
      with George Washington University, in his groundbreaking 1980 survey of the media
      elite. Lichter’s findings were authoritatively confirmed by the American Association of
      Newspaper Editors (ASNE) in 1988 and 1997 surveys. The most recent ASNE study
      surveyed 1,037 newspaper reporters found 61 percent identified themselves as/leaning
      “liberal/Democratic” compared to only 15 percent who identified themselves as/leaning


      * 81 percent of the journalists interviewed voted for the Democratic presidential
      candidate in every election between 1964 and 1976.
      * In the Democratic landslide of 1964, 94 percent of the press surveyed voted for
      President Lyndon Johnson (D) over Senator Barry Goldwater (R).
      * In 1968, 86 percent of the press surveyed voted for Democrat Senator Hubert
      * In 1972, when 62 percent of the electorate chose President Richard Nixon, 81
      percent of the media elite voted for liberal Democratic Senator George
      * In 1976, the Democratic nominee, Jimmy Carter, captured the allegiance of 81
      percent of the reporters surveyed while a mere 19 percent cast their ballots for
      President Gerald Ford.
      * Over the 16-year period, the Republican candidate always received less than 20
      percent of the media’s vote.
      Conservative Reporters Few…and Getting Fewer…
      …In 1985, the Los Angeles Times conducted one of the most extensive surveys of
      journalists in history. Using the same questionnaire they had used to poll the public, the
      Times polled 2,700 journalists at 621 newspapers across the country. The survey asked
      16 questions involving foreign affairs, social and economic issues. On 15 of 16
      questions, the journalists gave answers to the left of those given by the public.
      Public Beliefs Much More Conservative
      According a 2001 Gallup poll, 41 percent of Americans identify themselves as
      conservatives, 38 percent as moderates and 18 percent as liberals. On three of four
      cornerstone political issues, the public overwhelmingly supports the conservative
      [You would never know it listenning to the MSM]

      * Americans support the death penalty by 70 to 17 percent, with 53 percent
      believing it should be imposed more frequently and more than twice as many
      opposing a temporary moratorium as favoring one (53 vs. 23 percent).

      * Americans support gun ownership by 66 to 20 percent, with 58 percent agreeing
      with the statement that “If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.”

      * Almost twice as many believe a ban on guns would make the country more
      dangerous rather than more safe (55 vs. 27 percent).

      * Americans support lowering taxes and government spending by 58 percent,
      compared to 4 percent who support increasing them and 33% who support the tax
      and spending status quo.

  6. bjc70 says:

    He may well have been speaking from personal experience –

  7. Old Goat says:

    The subtle difference is those who you may think have been fooled, probably have been no such thing – they are “on board” for a reason, and it’s nothing to do with science (whether climate, or otherwise), interest in the population, or for that matter, truth.

    The end game is the total imposition of UN Agenda 21, and climate change is merely a vehicle to achieve that goal. And they appear to be succeeding. We are not sleepwalking in to economical and social Armageddon, we are being deliberately led there by our noses.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Old Goat, I have been screaming about that over at WUWT for years.

    • sonniq says:

      Touche’ for that one. You’re right. People know. There are other agendas here. Most people know what’s happening but feel at a loss to do anything about it except scream and yell at each other on social media. We can’t even say to vote because even those we vote for so often tell us what we want to hear and then do what the money tells them to do. Look at all the support everyone had for Obama and all the things he was going to do. yes, Republicans stopped every move but he’s done quite a bit on his own that has made everything worse. It doesn’t matter who we vote for, this country is going to go down just like every other empire has gone down when greed got the best of them, only this time we’res crewing up the earth we live on and there won’t be any coming back from that. I just hope I’ll be dead by then.

  8. georgiakevin says:

    Mark Twain is one of my favorite authors. His wors will live on and on. This quote is spot on.

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