The Merging Of Church And State Continues

NPR lists this as a climate sin.

I spend a lot of time visiting family which requires me to fly

Science Friday’s Climate Confessions by Scifri on SoundCloud – Hear the world’s sounds

ScreenHunter_6864 Feb. 07 07.29ScreenHunter_6863 Feb. 07 07.23

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to The Merging Of Church And State Continues

  1. omanuel says:

    Pseudo-science and pseudo-religion are natural allies of tyrants.

    FEAR of these arrogant fools is a lack of faith in the common conclusions of genuine theology and science on the Creator & Sustainer of the World:

    • omanuel says:

      The Creator and Sustainer of every atom and life in the world designed us all to be happy, joyous and free.

      The current crop of world leaders

      1. Did their duty to humanity in reducing racism and nationalism, but

      2. Did a disservice to humanity in reducing the integrity of science and constitutional limits on government.

  2. Slywolfe says:

    About the time when fire was “tamed,” the Shaman took over the clan.

  3. Gail Combs says:

    Yes but is the church talking about not believing in Post Modern Climate Psyence™ or not believing in classical science.

    • omanuel says:

      The church is as anti-(real)-science today as it was in the time of Galileo.

      There was pseudo-scientific evidence Earth was the center of the cosmos then, just as there is pseudo-scientific evidence for AGW today.

  4. R. Shearer says:

    Sad indeed when Bill Nye, Al Gore and the Pope are identified as believers in science.

    • omanuel says:

      They are just Stalin’s little helpers in promoting pseudo-science as real science.

      • gator69 says:

        “The relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and science is a widely debated subject. The church has been called “probably the largest single and longest-term patron of science in history.”[1] It has founded schools and universities and conducted medical and other scientific research over many centuries. Catholic scientists, both clergymen and religious sisters as well as lay people, have led scientific discovery in many fields. In his 1996 encyclical Fides et Ratio Pope John Paul II wrote that “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth.” Conversely, the conflict thesis, was developed in the United States in the 19th century and retains some pop-culture currency. It proposed an intrinsic intellectual conflict between the Church and science.

        Even before the development of modern scientific method, Catholic theology did not insist on a literal interpretation of biblical text that might, as St Augustine wrote in the 5th century, contradict what can be established by science or reason, thus Catholicism has been able to reinterpret scripture in light of scientific discovery.

        The Catholic contribution to the development of the sciences has been formidable. From ancient times, Christian emphasis on practical charity gave rise to the development of systematic nursing and hospitals and the Church remains the single greatest private provider of medical care and research facilities in the world. Following the Fall of Rome, monasteries and convents remained the last bastions of scholarship in Western Europe. During the Middle Ages, the Church founded a well integrated international network of Cathedral schools and Europe’s first universities, producing a fine array of scholars like Robert Grosseteste, Albert the Great, Roger Bacon and Thomas Aquinas who helped establish scientific method. During this period, the Church was also a great patron of engineering for the construction of elaborate cathedral architecture.

        Since the Renaissance, Catholic scientists (many of them clergymen) have been credited as fathers of a diverse range of scientific fields – including physics (Galileo), acoustics (Mersenne), mineralogy (Agricola), modern chemistry (Lavoisier), modern anatomy (Vesalius), stratigraphy (Steno), bacteriology (Kircher and Pasteur), genetics (Mendel), analytical geometry (Descartes), heliocentric cosmology (Copernicus) atomic theory (Boškovi?) and the Big Bang Theory on the origins of the universe (Lemaître). Jesuits devised modern lunar nomenclature and stellar classification and some 35 craters of the moon are named after Jesuits, among whose great scientific polymaths were Francesco Grimaldi and Giambattista Riccioli. The Jesuits also introduced Western science to India and China and translated local texts to be sent to Europe for study. Missionaries contributed significantly to the fields of anthropology, zoology and botany during Europe’s Age of Discovery. The Church’s patronage of sciences continues through elite institutions like the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Vatican Observatory.”

        Yep, just as anti-science as ever!

  5. Slywolfe says:

    ‘Belief in Science’ is an oxymoron.

    • flavrt says:

      No, not at all. Science is a philosophy. As with every other rational philosophy, it is entirely founded on unfalsifiable beliefs. Its power comes from the principles of transparency, reproducibility, and prediction, not a fanciful quest for reality.

      • rah says:

        IOW the foundation of science is the Scientific Method! And that method is using a system of procedures for gaining knowledge of how the natural world works . Or IOW reality! And at the heart of the Scientific Method is testability. A characteristic that a great deal of “climate science” appears to lack these days for various reasons. It is not really science until all data and methods are shared so that it can be tested.

      • inMAGICn says:

        Philosophy is not congruent with a belief system.

  6. Louis Hooffstetter says:

    When witch doctors pretend to be scientists, it doesn’t make them scientists…
    but it sure fools a lot of sheeple.

    • Slywolfe says:

      I can’t hear you! La-La-La-La-La …

    • Gail Combs says:

      When it comes to climate change, we have to trust our scientists, because they know lots of big scary words

      Whither the weather?…..

      ….Unprecedentedly, I had direct access to the meteorologists concerned, as I was in Exeter in spirit form, and I managed to speak to the principal actors.

      First, I asked Stephen Belcher, the head of the Met Office Hadley Centre, whether the recent extended winter was related to global warming. Shaking his famous “ghost stick”, and fingering his trademark necklace of sharks’ teeth and mammoth bones, the loin-clothed Belcher blew smoke into a conch, and replied,

      “Here come de heap big warmy. Bigtime warmy warmy. Is big big hot. Plenty big warm burny hot. Hot! Hot hot! But now not hot. Not hot now. De hot come go, come go. Now Is Coldy Coldy. Is ice. Hot den cold. Frreeeezy ice til hot again. Den de rain. It faaaalllll. Make pasty.”

      Startled by this sobering analysis, I moved on to Professor Rowan Sutton, Climate Director of NCAS at the University of Reading….

  7. gator69 says:

    I view NPR as ear rape.

  8. flavrt says:

    “believe” in science

    Nonsensical misuse of quotation marks makes you illiterate.

  9. rah says:

    N= National
    P= Proletariat
    R= Radio

  10. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    What is “scinece”.

    Typical NPR, they don’t understand science and they can’t even spell it.

  11. ntesdorf says:

    You do not ‘believe’i in Science, you examine Science. You ‘believe’ in Religion,,which is what Climate Science has become…..a religion.

  12. smamarver says:

    Science is not necessarily something you need to believe in. Is a fact, ia reality! As for the church or religion, that’s something you can believe in. Anyway, it might be an issue since the Pope decided to get involved in the climate change debate……

    • rah says:

      Science requires testability and empirical evidence. It deals with all the things in the physical universe we can detect. It is used to attempt to describe, explain, and describe what is believed to be knowable. Math is the language of science because science relies on measuring what can be measured.

      God cannot be measured nor tested and so spiritual belief is based in large measure upon faith. Religion deals in much that is unseen and cannot be subjected to the scientific method. Just because it cannot be measured or tested does not mean it does not exist.

      For some, like me, there is room for both. I try to accept each for what it is and strive to understand when one is having undue influence on the other in the history and events of the world and within myself. But having pondered the heavens I have found that while looking up at a clear night sky that there no way I can not believe there is a creator.

      For others only room for one.

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