What Is The Difference Between A Top Climate Scamster And A Sexual Deviant?

Not much. It is all about abuse of power.

ScreenHunter_7381 Feb. 22 16.32

ScreenHunter_7384 Feb. 22 16.41

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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40 Responses to What Is The Difference Between A Top Climate Scamster And A Sexual Deviant?

  1. gator69 says:

    What Is The Difference Between A Top Climate Scamster And A Sexual Deviant?

    Sexual deviants go to jail.

  2. I. Lou Minotti says:

    It’s a common component of a left-wing (“progressive”) liar’s perverted DNA. More proof:


  3. nigelf says:

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  4. “I did not have sexual relations with that temperature data”

    G. Schmidt

  5. NancyG says:

    These are the people that want to be in charge of a global governance.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  6. Gail Combs says:

    Old Patchy needs a better dye job (beard) and Toupee. No wonder he has to chase skirts… YUCK!! (I always though he was the ugliest SOB I had ever seen.)

    From 2009 or before:

  7. Windsong says:

    Nairobi? Paris later on this year; Lima, Yokohama, Geneva (to name a few) in 2014. I am getting bored with being retired. Need to get a gig with the IPCC so I can travel more. Would pick up more passport stamps in one year than I have in the last 15.

  8. NancyG says:

    OT but this happened Monday and I haven’t seen a link to it, maybe I missed it, Bill Nye appeals to conservatives to join the cause then insults them by saying if they continue to deny, they are holding up consensus and we need to talk about it. This was the only place I could find the complete interview online.


    Um, I thought the consensus was in and settled and every time conservatives wanted to discuss they were shut down by said consensus and being called deniers. Is this another sign their agenda is losing ground?

  9. R. Shearer says:

    It appears he’s using the Anthony Wiener defense, claiming his devices were hacked.

  10. Gail Combs says:

    I found a lovely Limerick over at Jo Nova’s aimed at the idiot in the NYT who smeared Willie Soon.

    We do not deny; we refute,
    Being far more informed and astute,
    Than those journalist guys,
    Who write columns of lies,
    Or some editor climate galoot. — Ruairi

  11. Jim Schmidt says:

    Hey! It worked for Slick Willie! The DNC slobbers over their “Big Dog” who is a disbarred lawyer, a serial liar, pervert, adulterer, accused rapist and infamous hider of cigars.

  12. gregole says:

    Every time I see a picture of this guy I want to shower. Reading the grisly details of his little porn-novel was revolting enough. And consider that he is 74 years old. Deviant old kook.


  13. darrylb says:

    the answer tor what is the difference —– nothing!

  14. DD More says:

    By Colum Lynch Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, March 13, 2005; Page A22

    UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations is facing new allegations of sexual misconduct by U.N. personnel in Burundi, Haiti, Liberia and elsewhere, which is complicating the organization’s efforts to contain a sexual abuse scandal that has tarnished its Nobel Prize-winning peacekeepers in Congo.
    UN-funded African troops raped vulnerable Somalis, says HRW
    Human Rights Watch report says internationally-funded African Union troops in Somalia have raped women and girls as young as 12

    Allegations of sexual abuse or misconduct by U.N. staff stretch back at least a decade, to operations in Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. A 2001 report, released by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Save the Children, found that sexual violence against refugees in West Africa was endemic (though some of its findings were denied by a subsequent U.N. team).

    Just wanting to be like the rest of the “Blue Helmet Guys”. They are the UN and your puny laws don’t matter to them.

  15. _Jim says:

    Didn’t this perv R.K. Pachauri pen a trashy sex-laced novel a year or two back? I’m sure it was him …

    Revealed: the racy novel written by the world’s most powerful climate scientist
    The chair of the UN’s panel on climate change Dr Rajendra Pachauri has taken a break from writing academic papers on global warming to pen a racy romantic novel.


    • Gail Combs says:

      Yes, his Bodice Ripper is going to be a real winner in court if they can get it admitted as evidence. Give the book to the jury to read…

      From Amazon Customer Reviews

      Customer Reviews
      Into the Dustbin: Rajendra Pachauri, the Climate Report & the Nobel Peace Prize

      …Objective? Pachauri contributes to books by extreme environmentalist groups like Greenpeace and WorldWatch. He speaks to environmental conferences as a committed green. He’s not afraid to lie in the service of the global warming creed (for example, he told a meeting in Australia in 2008 that global warming was “accelerating” when he knew, or should have known, that global warming had stalled).

      Rather than being grateful to those who pointed out an error in the 2007 report–the claim that the Himalayan glaciers would be gone by 2035–as a scientist should be, Pachauri attacked the critics as “voodoo” scientists. He also writes appallingly bad bodice-rippers (Laframboise devotes several chapters to Pachauri’s Return to Almora) that are clearly adolescent wish-fulfillment. And he wants all of us to change our lifestyles by, for example, eating less meat. Policy neutral, never policy prescriptive? Hardly.

      Laframboise’s evidence that Pachauri is unsuitable as a figurehead for the supposedly “objective” IPCC is overwhelming, and even some within the IPCC recognize this….
      By Paul R. Macrae

      (Donna’s book gets much better and more lengthy reviews)

      Amazon also has a few short not very good reviews of “Return to Almora”

      It is a sad piece of New Age literature in which the central figure narcisissist Sanjay Nath is obsessed with reincarnation and previous life in Almora, masturbation, liberal women, parapsychology and “deep” thoughts of gurus in cave like surroundings. Typically to any narcisissist person he needs almost in every page overly positive statements of him: genius, extremely handsome, top in the class, top notch student, outstanding performance….

      The kindle version reviews have been taken down by Amazon. Given the above I wonder what they said?
      Outlook India is not as nice as Amazon…

      ….Pachauri has also dabbled in fiction-writing. In 2010, he published his debut novel Return to Almora. Outlook carried a review:

      In the very first chapter, an American woman undresses and slips under the sheets and demands of Dr Sanjay Nath, the protagonist, “It’s cold, Sandy. Come and keep me warm.” And so he does. Then on, there is scarcely a chapter that does not contain a steamy scene. For example: “He removed his clothes and began to feel Sajni’s body, caressing her voluptuous breasts. He felt very excited, but wanted to enjoy exploring her body before he attempted to enter her. But suddenly, it was all over.” And later, when Sanjay is teaching women yoga, he enjoys “the sensation of gently pushing Susan’s shoulders back a few inches, an action that served to lift her breasts even higher”. When the sex is not graphic, it is almost comically euphemistic. After Sanjay pretends to be impotent in order to reject the advances of a married woman, he thinks gleefully, “Now that the dessert she had been hoping to savour after dinner had gone limp in the unheated oven….”

      In the absence of women, the author has his protagonist masturbating, stealing a red handkerchief from a passenger on a train for the purpose: “He pulled it out gently, imagined Pooja naked and ready by his side, and got busy with his right hand.” Like Sanjay, Pachauri was 15 in 1955, and like Sanjay, he spent his early years in Nainital. But Sanjay is a character no author would want to resemble beyond a point. And his friends, for sure, don’t make role models either. After he participates in a gangbang, his ‘spiritual master’ lets him off the hook with the following line: “You only took liberty physically with a girl who needed no coercion or deception.” Sanjay’s dead girlfriend appears to him whenever he is with another woman. After he has had sex with a woman in her 50s, the voice in his head says, “It’s a good thing you waited so long. It’s totally safe now. She can’t be pregnant.”


      Now watch the rest of the Team™ scramble to distance themselves, although sex scandles never seem to bother progressives. They just sink Conservatives like Herman Cain without a trace.

  16. ren says:

    Economic Systems: The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true. A United Nations official has now confirmed this.
    At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
    “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.

  17. A carnivore says:

    Donna Laframboise has been following the Pachauri scandal. Now there are three more plus staffers who have observed his hands on woman.

    Vrinda Grover, a New Delhi-based lawyer who specializes in women’s issues, told The Telegraph that others have contacted her with similar tales: “I know of at least three such cases, and the pattern is the same in every case.”

    …a story in the Calcutta-based Telegraph suggests that Pachauri has long treated female staff members “like little girls” by lifting them off the ground as one might do with toddlers in North America. Based on the above two women’s accounts, plus “interviews with two long-term [TERI] employees,” the article implies that physical contact and sexual innuendo have long been part of Pachauri’s modus operandi….

    According to the above media reports, Pachauri’s sexually-laden behaviour is “common knowledge” at TERI. The police complaint by the 29-year-old woman apparently:

    also refers to alleged incidents that happened on the rooftop garden of the Teri office where, she said, Pachauri “lifted female employees as if they were little girls. Some would run away seeing him approach them.”

    The Telegraph tells us that, according to another “former employee who did not want to be named,” it is normal for female staffers to

    get calls on their personal mobile numbers [from Pachauri], enquiries on their personal lives, invitations for wine and dinners, handholding and kisses.

    Pachauri is also allegedly in the habit of assigning female employees nicknames which he then uses to address them rather than their proper, formal names….

  18. Hugh K says:

    Not to worry Pachauri, ISIS is hiring. Sexual deviants are welcome….just don’t mention that Gaia worshipping thingy…

  19. Gail Combs says:

    Donna Laframboise has been following the Pachauri scandal. Now there are three more plus staffers who have observed his hands on woman.


    Vrinda Grover, a New Delhi-based lawyer who specializes in women’s issues, told The Telegraph that others have contacted her with similar tales: “I know of at least three such cases, and the pattern is the same in every case.”…

    …a story in the Calcutta-based Telegraph suggests that Pachauri has long treated female staff members “like little girls” by lifting them off the ground as one might do with toddlers in North America. Based on the above two women’s accounts, plus “interviews with two long-term [TERI] employees,” the article implies that physical contact and sexual innuendo have long been part of Pachauri’s modus operandi….

    According to the above media reports, Pachauri’s sexually-laden behaviour is “common knowledge” at TERI. The police complaint by the 29-year-old woman apparently:

    also refers to alleged incidents that happened on the rooftop garden of the Teri office where, she said, Pachauri “lifted female employees as if they were little girls. Some would run away seeing him approach them.”

    The Telegraph tells us that, according to another “former employee who did not want to be named,” it is normal for female staffers to

    get calls on their personal mobile numbers [from Pachauri], enquiries on their personal lives, invitations for wine and dinners, handholding and kisses.

    Pachauri is also allegedly in the habit of assigning female employees nicknames which he then uses to address them rather than their proper, formal names….

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