EPA Predicts 11 Feet Of Sea Level Rise

In an October 1983 report, the Environmental Protection Agency estimated that the sea level could rise as much as 11 feet by the end of the next century


Since they made that 1983 forecast, California sea level has dropped more than six inches

ScreenHunter_7706 Mar. 05 08.37

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to EPA Predicts 11 Feet Of Sea Level Rise

  1. rah says:

    But don’t ask Gina McCarthy why her agency made such a prediction. She won’t know why! But of course she will be sure it’s correct!

  2. Steve Case says:

    Comes to over 28 mm/yr over 117 years. So far that hasn’t begun to happen. If it does, it’s now going to have to average almost 40 mm/yr.

    Do these people ever to the arithmetic?

  3. inMAGICn says:

    Tectonics matter.

  4. Lance says:

    When the Dutch get worried about sea level rise and take action, then it is time to pay attention. Otherwise, I’d bet against the predicktions. 🙂

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