The highest summer minimum of the past decade was in 2006, which also had the smallest maximum. The lowest sea ice summer minimum occurred in 2012, which also had the second highest minimum. There is no correlation between winter maximums and summer minimums.
2015 is now above 2005 and 2006 – the two years with the highest summer minimums. Arctic sea ice has returned to the state it was in a decade ago.
“…2012, which also had the second highest MAXIMUM…” not minimum.
Last year I followed the Arctic ice extent with MASIE, but NOAA no longer provides the data. They promise to resume by end of March. We’ll see.
Last year I followed the Arctic ice extent with MASIE, but NOAA no longer provides the data. They promise to resume by end of March. We’ll see.
Did 2012 give us a maximum maximum and minimum minimum? Obviously extremes are correlated.