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Pea-Brained President Thinks Trains Are Safer Than Pipelines
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Over 100ft high? Uh, based on the road in the foreground, & the scrubby trees next to it, I’m guessing that yes, those flames are definitely a touch more than 100ft high.
I used to ski up in Galena when I was a kid and most of the forest along the river were oaks in the 60′ to 100′ range. The tracks run parallel to the Mississippi there in the foreground. The stories I’ve found have similar pics taken from around the Bellavue, Iowa side of the river and looking East I’d say that photo was taken from at least a mile and a half away. There are a lot of islands there and several channels, but river width is well over a mile in that area. That is a HUGE fireball.
Based on some other pictures, it looks like the derailment is here, & the above picture is from the Iowa side.
I should have added: it’s a good mile across the river to the tracks, plus however far back the camera is from the river (at least ½mile, probably closer to a mile and a half. Hard with the telephoto & the depth of field they used to get any sense of distance in that shot.)
It’s pretty, though. Bet it smelled nice, too.
I guess melting all that snow and ice was easier than shoveling the tracks…
Perhaps safety, campaign donations, and “rewarding Friends and punishing enemies” figures prominently in Administration calculus. “Shipping oil using tank cars on rail costs about $3 more a barrel than pipeline transport” Citation: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-01-23/buffett-s-burlington-northern-among-winners-in-obama-rejection-of-pipeline
My guess, in the President’s mind, photogenic footage of the odd oil derailment will convince American voters to switch off their central heating…
In an Orwellian sort of way that makes perfect sense. 🙂 Sarc Off.
That was the first thought that went trough my mind.
The Nimbys will start screaming they do not want coal, gas or oil trains in their area.
OH wait….
Evidently, Warren Buffett owns the Union Tank Car that will likely be supplying BNSF (Warren Buffet’s Railroad) with the “safer more expensive” rail cars he proposes to utilize. Does one truly suppose those costs won’t be paid for at the pump by ordinary people? Follow the money. Citation: http://www.ibtimes.com/warren-buffett-keystone-pipeline-cause-effect-1560093
Does it make sense to you that 97% of climate experts are ALL progressive democrats? That they all are just are on the government dole for research funds? That every scientific body in every country on this globe are all in on a conspiracy to impoverish the poor?
That you, intelligent people that I know you are, are the only bastions of true scientific thought? Think about it for one second. Push your anti-progressive minds towards the thought that maybe there is a truth that you don’t understand. The planet is warming. Cold spells in New England don’t violate any truths. Most of the conservative climate experts disagree with your simplistic rumenations. Accusations that 1978 is a cherry-picked satellite record does not compute. It is simply when the full force of modern scientific satellite records started.
When Tony shows you that the arctic sea ice occasionally rises above the last ten year average, do you really believe that the arctic ice has recovered? Can you not see the truth? Were there stupid scientists that said stupid shit in 1979, and were quoted by stupid journalists back then? Yes, and there still are stupid scientists that say stupid shit today, again quoted and exaggerated by stupid sensationalistic journalists. That is their job, to draw attention. The real scientists don’t try to draw attention. If you hate sensationalistic scientists, then don’t listen to Mann and others. I don’t like them, either.
I know that herding scientists is worse than trying to herd cats. If you think that there is a conspiracy to harm poor people, then I feel sorry for you.
When you start your rant with fake statistics, it pretty much ends the discussion.
This guy must have been at the bottom of his class at Troll training. You deserve better Steve.
He’s an up and coming pupil. Working hard on his white belt in trolljitsu.
There’s a hole in the bottom of the barrel, and they are scraping the collected rancid oozings.
Perhaps still in the lower class at the community college of Trollology?
Now, now…easy boys. Some grubers are still attracted by shiny objects, blissfully unaware of the old saying; “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”
So, Mogur, did the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warming Period upset your ideology a tad bit? That Nature has seen fit to utterly eviscerate your precepts must be galling in every sense of things. Have a fine day. 🙂
Scientist are like lemmings they go where the research money is, they are not trying to harm poor people, just enrich themselves
Mr. Scott, isn’t there a difference between Scientists in a fundamental sense and Ideological Cheerleaders Pretending to be Scientists? Ladies know they are Ladies, and those who are not know they are not. Just a thought.
Since this site got bloggies nominations, it is likely getting a lot of new readers. Trolls like you are here to scare them away.
The 97% lie has been soundly refuted numerous times and places. That won’t stop liars (and those who accept lies they are fond of without question) from repeating it. Let me quote from a recent blog:
“Along came a team in 2013 led by John Cook and Dana Nuccitelli (ardent and committed Warmists out of New Zealand and California, respectively) which again surveyed abstracts and this time concluded there was a “97.1%” consensus among scientists. This study is the source of John Kerry’s—and Barack Obama’s, and everyone else’s—”97% consensus” claim.
Interestingly (and revealingly), this study was published in a relatively new and relatively unknown science journal, Environmental Research Letters. Why? Well, because it was flat-out rejected by the more established science journal (Earth Systems Dynamics) to which it was first submitted.
Guess what: five months ago, not that long after its publication, the Cook, Nuccitelli et al. study was debunked and disproved by a peer-reviewed study in the esteemed Science and Education journal—because of math errors, faulty conclusions, and incorrect methodology. The actual consensus among scientists about Global Warming theory according to the rebutters? Not 97.1%, but rather 0.3%.
0.3% instead of 97%—quite a difference. Our Secretary of State, speechifying in Jakarta about scientific consensus, was wrong by a factor of three hundred twenty three.”
This was widely reported, so there is no excuse for repeating the lie.:
Apart from the lies about it, a consensus (if it existed, and it does not) would be irrelevant anyway. When ONE person can show the predictions made by a theory are not in line with observed data, that theory is FALSE and needs to be discarded or revised. What you folks are doing instead is revising the theory’s predictions without admitting it and also revising the data that falsify the theory, and then attacking those who call attention to your actions and your theory’s failure.
Actually it is the IPCC models and the earth’s temperature that showed the predictions are falsified.
This spaghetti graph is in the first Draft
but of course it was removed because it is much too damning.
A scientist who participated in “expert review” of the Second Order Draft of AR5 (the next IPCC report), Working Group 1 (“The Scientific Basis”) says:
The author set up a website for the first draft and discussion: http://www.stopgreensuicide.com/
Dr. Happer confirms this channeling of funding only to scientists willing to support policy.
Bob Tisdale has a comparision of the IPCC Final draft (7Jun2013) and the approved final version (27Sep2013) of the IPCC’s AR5 Summary for Policymakers.
IPCC scientists submit a draft and then politicians go over the Summary line by line and have to APPROVE what is in the Summary. Once the Summary is rewritten the scientific report is then adjusted to agree with the desires of the politicians.
This practice has ticked off so many scientist even those who believe in AGW that the number of scientists contributing has fallen dramatically.
The satellite record began in 1973 (actually Dec 1972) and this was shown in IPCC (FAR) 1990. But 1973 Arctic ice extent happened to be considerably lower than the late 20th century peak in 1979. The reason (or excuse?) for starting the official satellite record in 1979 was that there was a change of satellite instrumentation in late 1978. So I guess that it was just serendipitous that the late 20th century Arctic ice maximum coincided with htat change in measurement instrumentation.
The point, mogur, is that there is a lot to be learned here. So stow your arguments from authority and your straw man attacks. And on what basis do you think herding scientists is more difficult than herding cats? Hey, just place a big wad of grant cash in the trap and you are sure to bag one (a scientist that is, not a cat).
1. liberals are REGRESSIVE, not progressive
2. The planet is NOT warming, hasn’t since the end of the 1998 El Nino. That Elnino is the ONLY warming in the whole satellite record.
3. There is absolutely NOTHING happening with the planet which has not happened many times before.
4. Mann is NOT a scientist. he’s a paid propagandist.
5. Anything that increases or disallows cheap energy is obviously going to harm poor people first. but is that a conspiracy, or just brain-washed stupidity.?
6, You are not worth feeling sorry for. !
“Yes, and there still are stupid scientists that say stupid shit today”
Mann, Trenberth, Karoly, Flannery, England, Hayhoe, Jones, Schmidt, Slingo, McGibben, McCarthy, …………………………….. et al ad inf…!!!
Yes.. there are many…………… way too many !!
” The Science Is Settled!”
Oh, really?
Five projections of global warming, 1990-2050, compared with the linear trends on two observed datasets.HadCRUt4 monthly global mean surface temperature anomaliesand the RSS satellite data reflecting the zero trend that has now persisted for more than 17 years. Both observed trends are extrapolated to 2050.
Even the IPCC acknowledges long term climate models are crap and will always be crap.
Reblogged this on BLOGGING BAD w/Gunny G ~ "CLINGERS of AMERICA!".
Oh, Steve, I mean Tony, when will you cut off my dissention? Like blow-torch whats-his-name? I really would like how you freely discuss scientific thought. But I know for a fact that you will cut me off. Go ahead, and claim that I am “spamming”. This is the most obvious cutoff in history. You hate blow torch whats-his-name. If no one hears from me again, they will know that you don’t condone any dissention. They will know that you are just about yourself. Go ahead, cut me off, and let your listeners know that you can not stand an advesary.
That’s quite a brilliant reply. Uncertain if it will be understood by the intended recipient. 🙂
Bob Dylan had a comment on this. “Idiot Wind, blowing every time you move your mouth. You’re an Idiot babe, its a wonder you even know how to breathe”. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbhRHzMWRvs
I would have used… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKNJj6MsGfI
Poor little hard-done-by mogit !!
Dude, you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep trying to suck your own dick. Give it a rest.
I’ve never heard anyone call it that. His seems like a small and insignificant dissention, anyway.
Just waiting for the, “I don’t have a dick, I’m a girl.” retort, à la Jim Hunt.
mogur, we are still waiting for some scientific contribution from you.
Mr / Ms Mogur: Prithee, do, find meaning in your life without blaming others for your own interpretation of reality. It is unwise to post senseless babble. Especially when drinking. 🙂
Rabbit in the briar patch syndrome.
So, mogur2013, here you are complaining about being “cut off” from this blog – – – all the while your inane comments are displayed here on this blog.
Please, just keep up the whack-o drivel. And misspellings.
So entertaining.
When you come up with some real data/analysis relevant to anything actually scientific, you’ll find many knowledgeable folks here who will provide feedback.
Mogur doesn’t do data but he’s tired of whining on C-SPAN so he comes here to complain to Tony …
You keep posting empty meaningless rants, SG will keep letting them through.
He likes seeing alarmista trogs making a fool of themselves… its their natural modus.
Highlights the base mediocrity of all alarmist apostles/trolls.
Yes and it makes possible for him to award the ” Biggest Billy Goat Gruff” trophy to the Regular Poster who will best say,
Well come along! I’ve got two spears,
And I’ll poke your eyeballs out at your ears;
I’ve got besides two curling-stones,
And I’ll crush you to bits, body and bones.
That was what the big billy goat said. And then he flew at the troll, and poked his eyes out with his horns, and crushed him to bits, body and bones, and tossed him out into the cascade, and after that he went up to the hillside. There the billy goats got so fat they were scarcely able to walk home again. And if the fat hasn’t fallen off them
I think SG enjoys having trolls show up. He then gets to sit back and watch the fun.
Sort of reminds me of the Roman games….
But like I implied he probably prefers the more adept trolls.
Progressives do not need to think, their guru (alike Pachauri) thinks (or appears to) for them. Thence progressives just need to repeat, “copy and paste” only. A bacteria has more brain….
This may be relevant to our friend mogur2013: https://thepointman.wordpress.com/2011/02/11/moderating-trolls-soup-ladles-and-ethics/
Come now, Barry wants us to stop ALL fossil fuel use. It is all we Deniers fault that this is happening!! 8>)
There was a line of questioning at the latest Congressional hearing with the EPA chief where they asked whether the EPA claimed authority to decide which types of power plants were operating at any one time. She danced around a bit but ultimately said yes. Then she was asked if the EPA claimed authority to regulate the total amount of electricity being output in the country at any one time, and she danced around and said yes. Then she was asked if the EPA claimed authority to decide how much electricity individual citizens could use at any one time, and she refused to answer the question, only saying they had no plans to do so.
“…Then she was asked if the EPA claimed authority to decide how much electricity individual citizens could use at any one time, and she refused to answer the question, only saying they had no plans to do so….”
Actually they are going to allow the Electric distributors like Duke Energy to do it.
Energy: “big brother” technology
My comment on the step by step implementation by Duke Energy with the usual proof.
The ONLY reason for the expense of Smart Meters and Smart Appliances is so the Electric companies can shut you down at will. This is the ONLY way erratic power sources like Wind and Solar can be made to work.
The UK is taking it a step further and is going to start using the batteries in your electric car as a load leveler.
What does this do the the life of your very expensive batteries if they are constantly charging/discharging dependent on the strength of the wind?
Such over busy car batteries would even not last one single month….. Would EPA fund repplacement….?
Now we know why he blocked keystone, he’s best mate Warren Buffett owns the trains http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-05/dramatic-explosion-footage-warren-buffett-owned-oil-freight-train-derails-bursts-fla
Does anybody else find it rather odd that so many oil laden trains are derailing?
Yes. Lots of discussion about the various reasons on train related blogs about that. And, a lot of theories. (Kinda like on climate sites.) There were three crude oil train derailments in mid-February. Fred W. Frailey, columnist for Trains magazine, in late Feb. wrote two blog posts on oil trains and the huge fires that can result, even when they are the new and improved tank cars, and the train is travelling well below the track speed limit.
His 2/21/15 post concludes: “…I don’t know about you, but crude oil trains are starting to scare me, too.”
1. Ask rah about trying to transport liquids. NOT EASY. slush, slosh…. FLIP.
2. You have metal on metal where the wheels meet the tracks. Sparks anyone?
Yep, but at least I’m not driving tankers. The unbaffled types are the worst. Though I may still have to get a tanker certification with the new bladders they’ve come up with for bulk transportation of liquids in dry van trailers.
These bladders are an adaptation of the ones the Military has been using for a long time. Most Americans don’t seem to know that the reason why more of those guys at Desert One in the MC-130 that had the helicopter crash into resulting in the cancellation of the Iran rescue mission couldn’t get out. The reason why is because those guys were sitting on a rubber bladder full of JP-4 fuel that covered nearly the whole cargo deck of the aircraft. They never had a chance.
Galena is an interesting little town in the driftless zone. Pretty country and skiing to boot!
Also a ‘Gated Community’ since 1951.
Although the river is no longer navigable, it still can flood. This flood gate at the south end of Main was built to protect the downtown business district from floods.
It’s hard to believe that river was ever navigable as it now appears. ‘Downtown’ Galena has a European feel to it. The main drag follows the river as it winds through town, and the boom Galena enjoyed paid for some beautiful and unique architecture.
And of course to any lover of geology, the Driftless Area is intriguing on its own.
Cold is causing the derailments http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1243&dat=19890202&id=Z0dTAAAAIBAJ&sjid=ioYDAAAAIBAJ&pg=4463,1046303
You mean Global Warming is causing derailments, don’t you?
GW causes my beer fridge to empty itself too. Something must be done. I shall apply for a grant.
I guess your consumption went up the winter with the rather mild winter you’ve had?
I found it’s a test sample selection issue. Buy bad beer next time. Run the test again. It lasts longer. The results are reproducible and statistically significant.
Darn. That mobile thing again:
I guess this is one of those days. When at first … and second … you don’t succeed …
Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
I wouldn’t even give him the honor of having a brain at all!
Not only is it making for greater Hazard here in North Dakota, but it is also causing a bottleneck in shipment of grain out of here (Hard Amber Durham for pasta travels the same rails).