The Progressive IQ Test Continues

Antarctic sea ice has been above normal every day for the past 3-1/2 years.


This could be very troublesome for alarmists, but they know that progressives are stupider than a bag of rocks, so they tell them that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is rapidly melting down and will drown them all. They attribute it to warm sea water.

Only problem is, the water around West Antarctica is running far below normal temperature.

sst_anom (2)

This won’t trouble progressives. They will believe any lies their messiah’s minions tell them.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to The Progressive IQ Test Continues

  1. Stupider than a bag of rags.

  2. ossqss says:

    Tony, you have legitimate points. Why not convey them in a more widely palatable manner?

    Presentation is important to the overall audience. Your observations and interpretations are intended to help in the end, and are very verifiable. Why not make them the best they can be……

    Just sayin,,,

    • I did. I avoided using the actual word I meant to use to describe progressives.

      • ossqss says:

        Progressives are a very, very small portion of the population. However, they are very effective in their methodology and communication. Hence, why we are here.

        Minimizing an audience doesn’t work, as the data shows.

        • Gail Combs says:


          We have been fighting these crooks for years. We have been Ladies and gentlemen. We have debated the science and won.

          Now they won’t debate. They just say the Science™ is Settled. They say 97% of the Climate Crooks agree.

          Climategate proved they were breaking the law and colluding to scam the public. The Governments of the UK and USA swept it under the rug and danced a fine dance and called us hackers and conspiracy nuts.

          If Greenpeace wants the records and e-mails for ‘Denier’ scientists, universities hand them over without a peep. If a Republican State Attorney General subpoenas a ClimAstrologist’s records from a state supported university the university fights the subpoena tooth and nail. The corrupt court backs up the crooked Climastrologist.

          They have called for our deaths. They have called for trials. The have called for and GOTTEN censorship. They have gotten fine honest scientists fired.

          These people are SCUM and Tony is being nice.

          I call them MURDERERS because their policies based on DELIBERATELY falsified data have killed tens of thousands of pensioners in the UK thanks to uneconomical wind power and millions of third world children thanks to biofuels.

          So how many more people have to die before the gloves come off?

          Ted Turner and his buddies want to wipe out 95% of humanity and they have made a fine start.

  3. Mac says:

    This post is all true, and from what I understand The High Priest is now calling for all heretics to be burned at the stake or purified through pain.

    The animal skin drums are pounding rhythmically tonight while the shaman dances and chants to the god of a harmless gas found in trace quantities in the atmosphere. The cult is becoming restless and desperate. Lock your doors.

  4. Ossqss, the normal way to deal with hucksers and frauds is to ridicule them and degrade them. Do you walk up to a 3-card Monte player and ask him to show his math? No, because you know he’s a cheat. The only way to deal with climate fraudsters is with contempt and disgust. It’s just the normal reaction to being ripped off by criminals. They have no integrity, why treat them in kind?

    • ossqss says:

      Understood, but you have a limited audience there. The only way to provide an influential message to the masses is to convey the verifiable. How do you do that when the data continues to change via adjustment in many cases?

      I would ask, how many studies have been done on the adjustment validation process, with respect to temperature records? The due diligence, if you will. Where is it in the public eye? Show me the the proof of need for such. That should not be hard to justify if it has global implications. I would think everyone would want to know.

      Tony, you know what I was referencing on messaging in my earlier post.

      Effective, not emotional.

      • Mac says:

        Sir, would you try to write articles without emotion about Charles Manson? Or Reverend Jim Jones? Or The Weathermen? The climate changers are cultists. They’re dangerous people, who are enraged, thoroughly dishonest, obsessive, and mentally ill, and who are literally threatening western civilization. Personally, I see no reason to attempt to legitimize these people by being respectful to them. They deserve no respect, and I think the graphs, the math, and the obvious truth on this website is presented terrifically.

        These people are scum. You have to get down in the gutter to fight them, because that’s where they live.

  5. D. Self says:

    Just ask Gruber…..Progressives know their lies will be believed by the fool followers. They are so eager to live for a cause that they will live for a cause that will kill them. Pure Insanity

  6. AndyG55 says:

    How do you test something that doesn’t really exist ?????

  7. De Paus says:

    DUMB DUMBER DUMBEST:Climate activists say snow record is nothing to celebrate
    Bostonians tweeted triumphantly, cracked jokes, and tossed their winter hats in the air this week to celebrate the city’s latest title: snowiest winter on record.
    But a contingent of climate change activists and researchers aren’t among those pleased with the consolation prize for a season of extreme storms.
    “I’m not celebrating — I’m terrified by it,” said Emily Kirkland, communications coordinator at the Better Future Project. “We can expect more seasons like this as the world continues to warm, with more seasons of disrupted commutes, shut-down schools, and paralyzed businesses.”
    Kirkland said she believes there’s a “direct connection” between Boston’s difficult winter and climate change.Some researchers contend that warmer ocean temperatures lead to more atmospheric moisture and stronger storms when mixed with cold temperatures.
    As activists fretted, residents cheered as though Boston had taken home another championship.

  8. ren says:

    A strong solar wind causes the south polar vortex is centrally located in the stratosphere and the temperature drops quickly.
    Circulation in the north and the south is different (in low solar wind) due to the magnetic field. Cosmic radiation energy is concentrated around the magnetic poles.

  9. sully says:

    Thanks ren Got 40 cms and another 20 on the way. -14c here this morning

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