Warning! Avert Your Eyes

We have to let Iran build nukes, so that we can find out what is in them

ScreenHunter_7676 Mar. 04 00.50

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to Warning! Avert Your Eyes

  1. Psalmon says:

    What cockroaches look like with the lights on.

  2. Robertv says:

    So why is she against the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution ?

  3. Jimmy Haigh says:

    Where was Obummer? Playing a round?

  4. sabretoothed says:

    OMG the SMS in India are unbelievable? Whats with these Nobel prize guys? http://linkis.com/www.liveindia.in/uRTey

    • Gail Combs says:

      Donna has been keeping abreast of RK Pachauri: Dr. Lecherous. She has written several posts. They are at the bottom of the page in data order with links.

      “… the investigating police officer, who told a court this week that Pachauri is using the “pretext of ill health” to avoid cooperating with the police….” Watch him squirm!

      One down and 10,000 to go…

      Also in another blog Pachauri’s Sofa

      ….An online Indian news source has published a collection of electronic messages allegedly sent by Pachauri to this unnamed 29-year-old woman. They now form part of a police document known as a First Information Report (FIR). The online version of these messages is difficult to read, so I’ve cut-and-pasted the text, added some formatting, and produced a 23-page PDF available…. [go to her site]

  5. SMS says:

    Nancy Pelosi, like most of the Democrats care no one whit for the citizens of this county. They are only interested in the future of the Democratic party. She, like the rest of the Democratic senators and representatives march in lock step together for one cause, their party. They say, “to hell with the American people!; it is the party that must survive”. If Stalin were alive today, he would be so proud of Nancy. Stalin killed twenty to forty million Russians. Nancy, and the democrats may still get their chance to out-do Stalin. Government and bureaucracies are weaving their way into every portion of our lives. Health care and banks today, the rest of commerce tomorrow. When government tried to control oil production, we had long lines at the pump. When government controls food production, we will starve.

    • gator69 says:

      These idiots need to get serious about protecting our grid from an EMP attack, or they may have the blood of millions on their hands. But Sandra Fluke, Michael brown, and plant food are their main concerns.

    • Edmonton Al says:

      The USA needs an “American Spring” .

      • Gail Combs says:

        An “American Spring” is EXACTLY what they are hoping to provoke!

        One who observed and understood was the Creel Committee foreign educational section member, and future dean of Teachers College, William R. Russell. He was in Russia soon after the Bolsheviks seized power and spent considerable time there, working on Creel propaganda against the Germans, for the Bolsheviks, and later against the Bolsheviks. Russell described how he saw the communist tradecraft:

        The way they worked their way to the seizure of power was as follows: Talk about peace, talk about social equality, especially among those most oppressed. Talk about organization of labor, and penetrate into every labor union. Talk on soapboxes. Publish pamphlets and papers. Orate and harangue. Play on envy. Arouse jealousy. Separate class from class. Try to break down the democratic processes from within. Accustom the people to picketing, strikes, mass meetings. Constantly attack the leaders in every way possible so that the people will lose confidence. Then in time of national peril, during a war, on the occasion of a great disaster, or of a general strike, walk into the capital and seize the power. A well-organized minority can work wonders.

        Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe

    • nielszoo says:

      No, Nancy doesn’t care about the Democrat party, she only cares about the Progressive leadership of the Democrat party… the rest are useful idiots and considering the intelligence and logic of most of Nancy’s public statements… the emphasis is on “idiots.”

      • gator69 says:

        Progressives are the radical fanatics of the western world. They will try to destroy any politician who is not far enough to the left, and use any means to do so. They have their own Sharia Law and Caliphate, that they plan to impose, by any means possible.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Sorry SMS,
      You are a bit late.

      The Food Safety Modernization Act gave the USDA and FDA control of all food in the USA including “that tomato plant in your backyard.”

      Obamacare gave the government control over your ‘health’ So Hospitals [are] monitoring your credit card purchases to flag ‘unhealthy’ habits

      Bloomberg reports that hospital systems in both North and South Carolina as well as Pennsylvania have already begun tracking people’s food-purchasing habits by spying on them through public records and credit card transactions. Carolinas HealthCare System (CHS), which operates some 900 care centers throughout the Carolinas, has teamed up with a data-mining company to compile and track this information for the later purpose of calling “high-risk” folks and urging them to make a change.

      ….. “The idea is to use big data and predictive models to think about population health and drill down to the individual levels to find someone running into trouble that we can reach out to and try to help out.”….

      On top of that new “dietary guidelines” are up for comment in the USA.

      …The “dietary guidelines” report runs well over 500 pages and there [are] trap doors and cracks on every page that will let the government into every facet of your life. Unhand those cheezy bits. Step away from the television….
      Hurry! Comment period ends April 8…. [has link to comment page]

      Finally there is our electric grid. Duke Energy is putting in Smart Meters. This will eventually give Duke Energy control of the appliances and heating in your home.
      Energy: “big brother” technology – Richard North (UK)

      This load of Bovine Feces is straight out of the mouth of Maurice Strong:

      In 1992, As Chairman Strong told the UN conference at Kyoto…

      “It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”

      The same propaganda was repeated by WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy…

      “climate change negotiations are not just about the global environment but global economics as well — the way that technology, costs and growth are to be distributed and shared… Can we balance the need for a sustainable planet with the need to provide billions with decent living standards? Can we do that without questioning radically the Western way of life? “

      And now it is being implemented. The Chairman of the “dietary guidelines” made that very very clear.

      “After 30 years of waiting, the fact that this committee is addressing sustainability issues brings me a lot of pleasure,” she began. Clancy went on to advocate that Americans should become vegetarians in order to achieve sustainability in the face of “climate change.”

      “What pattern of eating best contributes to food security and the sustainability of land air and water?” Clancy asked. “The simple answer is a plant-based diet.”…

      “In terms of keeping a broader idea of food security in your minds it would be perilous, I would think, for this committee or anybody else to not be taking climate change into account in any of the deliberations about sustainability,” she said.

      Clancy said beef production is the “greatest concern.”

      Meat production is harmful to the environment because of manure runoff and “methane production by cattle,” she said, which has “a much stronger effect on climate change than carbon dioxide does per unit of methane.”…..

      The USDA and FDA through the Food Safety Modernization Act are given the weapons to implement ‘sustainable farming’ as dictated by the “dietary guidelines” If approved the guidelines will ‘guide’ the direction of all government departments.

      Say good bye to that bacon cheese burger for lunch. Say good bye to that nice juicy steak, with baked potato swimming in sour cream or corn on the cob dripping butter for dinner.

      • pinroot says:

        Hospitals [are] monitoring your credit card purchases to flag ‘unhealthy’ habits

        That’s why I only use cash when I buy groceries, and I use a ‘loyalty’ card that I found in the parking lot, so someone else gets ‘credit’ (or blame) for my purchases. I knew (especially after Obamacare was passed) that it would only be a matter of time before they started looking at your food purchases to see if you were eating right, and that they would use it against you.

      • Robertv says:

        And they will tell you when it is the correct time to die. Old, disabled and sick people are not sustainable.

        The year 2022


        • Gail Combs says:

          This doctor really does not like Obamacare.
          If You Like Your Medicare, You Can Keep Your Medicare

          On the right are links to other related articles. I especially like:

          Congress Doesn’t Create Free Markets—It Only Destroys Them

          ….The free market cannot achieve the utopian state in which everybody gets optimum care, paid for by everybody else. Neither can government. The government can only force everybody (except of course for the elite) into equally shabby care, paid for by extortionate taxes with huge losses to corruption and incompetence.

          Obviously, government does not actually provide medical care. It just sets up the conditions under which doctors, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, and others do that. Congressionally mandated conditions are making it more and more difficult for medical professionals to do their work…..

          Of interest is something I noticed about ten years or so ago. A Heterarchy Plan of who gets medical care first in the case of ’emergencies’ where medical care for all is not available. I took one look at it and figured it was for baby boomer retiring.

          This is not it but gives an idea of the stuff going on in the background several years ago as they got ready to push us into ‘managed care’
          Heterarchy: An Interorganizational Approach to Securing the United States Against a Pandemic Threat
          Whereas a hierarchy’s focus is on “vested interest” and a network’s is on “personal interest,” a heterarchy’s focus is on the collective good (Stephenson 2009) …A heterarchy can be aligned for purpose and social responsibility, and its structure enables greater participation among its members at both the individual and organizational levels (Stephenson 2009). In a hierarchy, action follows authority, routine policies, and clear protocol.

  6. emsnews says:

    AIPAC owns most of our politicians of both parties.

    Some people imagine this is OK. MANY LOBBIES own Congress and they hand out money as ‘campaign donations’. A lot of the problems of our government paying no attention to the voters is due to this corruption which is BOTH PARTIES.

    This is why reforming the campaign money business is vital for our future democracy. Yes, your favorite politician might win due to money given out by rich people and corporations but this doesn’t mean your favorite will do your wishes.

    Note how the GOP suddenly, after lots of loud noises, dropped their opposition to the illegal alien policies of the Democrats. They quietly went along with it all.

  7. Gail Combs says:

    what is worse is many of the lobbies and Campaign Contributors are from foreign contries. For example Maurice Strong contributes to both the Democrats and the Republicans. Strong, an obvious Communist was going to be barred from chairing Kyoto so he got BUSH to go to bat for him.


    Strong blurted out that he’d almost been shut out of the Earth Summit by people at the State Department. They had been overruled by the White House because George Bush knew him. He said that he’d donated some $100,000 to the Democrats and a slightly lesser amount to the Republicans in 1988. (The Republicans didn’t confirm.)

  8. annieoakley says:

    Maurice Strong has deep ties to the western political Udall family and set up a communist town in the San Luis Valley in CO. Has connections to the old Baca Ranch? I had files on my old computer that was stolen linking all of this. Maybe I can resurrect them.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Maurice Strong is certainly one of the major players. I knew he had ties to the Rockefellers but never heard of the Udall family ties.

      His Cousin, Anna Louise Strong was honored by the Communist Chinese Government. When Strong first visited China the Chinese took Strong to visit her grave.

      And yes he has the old Baca Ranch through a deal with a Saudi Arms Dealer, Adnan Khashoggi,. “He headed both Petro Canada and Hydro Canada, and made a few deals on the side as well, one of which was the acquisition in 1978 of the Colorado Land & Cattle Company which owned 200,000 acres of San Luis Valley in Colorado — from Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.” link

      AZL Resources Lawsuit…
      Molten Metal Inc Lawsuit…
      UN food for oil scandal….

      Oh, here is an interesting tidbit from my old notes on Strong

      It is therefore not surprising that another hat that Maurice Strong has worn is that of Treasurer, now Fellow, of Lindesfarne, New York, whose founder, William Thompson, conceived it as a medieval village into which the remnants of humanity might be herded as a feudalist “concentration camp,” once genocidal eco-facist policies of the sort advocated by Maurice Strong had taken hold. And, for good measure, Strong is the president of the World Economic Forum, the Davos, Switzerland annual summit of the world’s private bankers’, which will be keynoted this year by Vice President Al Gore.

      This article appears in the January 29, 1999 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
      Maurice Strong Discusses His Pal
      Al Gore’s Dark Age `Cloak of Green’
      by Scott Thompson

      Nicholas Sonntag, has said of Strong’s business in China: “They (China) are taking a big risk. They’re determined to be the economic engine of the world. This is why Maurice is here–to help them think things through.”

      Strong is not someone to over look.

  9. John B., M.D. says:

    Tony, even better would be: “We have to let Iran build nukes, so that we can find out what is in them, away from the fog of the controversy.”

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