Here is a clip of Sigourney Weaver poignantly talking about the Texas and Kansas drought which is happening “right now”, and how it is caused by “climate change” and is putting farmers and ranchers out of business. Only problem is. everything she said was untrue and the exact opposite of reality..
There isn’t any drought in Kansas or Texas. Most of Texas is considered “Extremely moist” right now.
Texas is having their second wettest two year period on record.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
This is what an actual farm looks like in Texas on July 30, 2016. Green as far as the eye can see.
Kansas is also much wetter than normal, and has been for most of the last 50 years.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Farmers in Kansas are having problems because they are growing too much corn.
Grain Market Outlook Newsletter |
Most of the US has been much wetter than normal over the past two years, particularly Texas.
High Plains Regional Climate Center
Things weren’t always this good. This is what Kansas looked like 80 years ago.
Dust Bowl History | Kansas (KS) History | 1935 | 1930s history | Black Sunday, April 14
This is what Texas looked like 80 years ago.
Dust Bowl – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Everything that Sigourney Weaver said in this clip was a complete nonsense. There is no drought in Texas or Kansas. Farmers are not having problems growing crops, and droughts used to be much worse in Texas and Kansas.
Did Sigourney never watch The Wizard of Oz or read The Grapes of Wrath? But then again why would her speech be any different than all the other lies at the convention?