Daily Archives: July 10, 2016

Common Sense Yo-Yo Confiscation

Before climate experts believed that a harmless trace gas caused the Syrian drought, they believed that Yo-Yo’s caused Syrian droughts. Using their phone and pen, authorities implemented a comprehensive common sense Yo-Yo ban – and confiscated them from the ignorant peasants … Continue reading

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The Years Of Living Fraudulently

Three years ago, snake oil saleswoman/ambulance chaser Katherine Hayhoe announced that “climate change” had wrecked Texas. She told Texas leaders that only faith in her and her climate models could save them. Drought – Years Of Living Dangerously Since then, Texas … Continue reading

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July 10, 1913 – Hottest Day Ever

On this date in 1913, California reached 134 degrees during a week when every day was over 127 degrees  This was the hottest officially recognized temperature ever recorded on Earth. mwr-050-01-0010.pdf The heat wasn’t confined to California or to July. … Continue reading

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