Anti-Gun Obama Loving Communist Gets His Woman

ScreenHunter_547 Dec. 21 19.00

Last week, Claire Davis was shot in the head by a self-professed communist Obama loving anti-gun nut at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado. Her crime was attending the same school as a progressive.

In the year after Sandy Hook, Obama did nothing to improve school security, because his agenda is to confiscate guns – not protect children.

I support gun control now. Anyone who voted for Obama should be denied their background check. They clearly don’t have the mental capacity or emotional stability to own a firearm.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Anti-Gun Obama Loving Communist Gets His Woman

  1. squid2112 says:

    I support gun control now. Anyone who voted for Obama should be denied their background check. They clearly don’t have the mental capacity or emotional stability to own a firearm.

    Could not agree more!

  2. aeroguy48 says:

    What is her condition now? Is she still in critical condition?

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Cruz: Millions could loose their lives because Obama’s naivete:

    I would have put a different header to the article but fully underwrite the views.

  4. Chuck says:

    So sad. This could have been a lot worse had there not been an armed officer at the school to corner the deranged idiot. This should be a wake up call for schools across the country.

  5. gator69 says:

    I am not sure what emotion I feel more, anger or sadness. My prayers go out to her family, and that we as a nation can find a way to stop this sickness that pours down from the left. God bless Claire.

  6. tom0mason says:

    Claire Davis, I did not know you, or of you, before this act of insanity happened. These things are not supposed to happen, not to one so young, to one who has barely started on life’s journey.
    This is a tragedy without catharsis, there is no resolution. An act of mindless violence has left a mother and father without her 17 year old daughter.
    My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.

  7. GeologyJim says:

    Another beautiful life, full of promise, lost because of over-emotionalized, irrational petulance and puerile exaggeration of self-importance.

    What has become of humility, self-reliance, integrity, responsibility, and [dare I say] a sense of shame over failures and transgressions?

    Rest in Peace, Claire

    You deserve so much better.

  8. Andy Oz says:

    “All devil as I am-a damned wretch,
    A hardened, stubborn, unrepenting villain,
    Still my heart melts at human wretchedness;
    And with sincere but unavailing sighs
    I view the helpless children of distress:……” R Burns

  9. Robertv says:

    Sad very sad. and I’m afraid she won’t be the last one. There is nothing so easy as destroying the beauty of a happy life.

    Rest in Peace Claire

    We will fight because you and other innocent victims let us know we have nothing to lose.

  10. R. de Haan says:

    Obama Care now killing people left without health care coverage…
    Since when do Americans leave a killer President in Office?

  11. GoneWithTheWind says:

    Guns don’t kill people, progressives kill people.

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