The One Person They Will Never Discuss My Work With

A number of recent articles by Soviet style propaganda organizations like Politifact, MediaMatters, and others – have quoted mental midgets like Brandon S (who apparently believes that all missing station temperature data is necessarily warmer than the average of the actual measured temperatures) – but they will never, ever discuss my work with me.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to The One Person They Will Never Discuss My Work With

  1. Latitude says:

    My favorite was “Goddard has not contacted us”…… you’re in hiding or something and they couldn’t contact you…
    You’re right….they can’t defend it

  2. Send Al to the Pole says:

    They would try to remake anything you say anyway… You would be hated no matter what you say on climate, because you don’t adore the messiah.

  3. mjc says:

    I look at it this way, if Media Matters is misrepresenting you/your work/writing/words then you must be doing something right and that you are in good company. Just look at who else they smear on a daily basis…

  4. Dave N says:

    “who apparently believes that all missing station temperature data is necessarily warmer than the average of the actual measured temperatures”

    What justification does he use for this?

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