Being A Progressive Means Never Having To Tell The Truth

Three years ago, experts said that global warming means warm winters and less snow in the Northeast. Now they claim they predicted cold winters and more snow.

Most people think about global warming during the dog days of summer. But temperatures are rising in the winter too, and that means less snow.

Winter climate change raises important science and policy questions. A decrease in frigid nights means fewer frozen pipes and failing furnaces. We might also expect less ice-related accidents and the spread of species that are adapted to milder climates

In the Northeast, water quality and pancake breakfasts are now among the potential victims of a warming world.

Produced in collaboration with WAMC Northeast Public Radio, this podcast originally aired on January 1, 2012.

Not just hot summers, climate change will affect winter, too | Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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40 Responses to Being A Progressive Means Never Having To Tell The Truth

  1. Henry Clark says:

    Before long, inconvenient info like that may be less likely to be found out:

    A breaking news story implies Google is going to have a huge policy change, to effectively hide websites like those of so-called climate deniers, regardless of link rating:

    “Instead of counting incoming links, the system – which is not yet live – counts the number of incorrect facts within a page.”

    The preceding is in the context of what Google claims to be “facts,” like the Google Chairman’s recent demonization of any who dare to question predictions of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming:

    • NancyG says:

      I think they already do something fishy with ranking. Yesterday I wanted to find out how far off shore an oil rig has to be. I figure that’s regulated so the answer must be out there. When I googled it I found nothing, just lots of articles about oil leaks, oil rigs, and oil rig jobs. I went on bing and found the answer. I think it’s time to de-google myself.

    • Robertv says:

      Free speech ????? something of the past.

    • SxyxS says:

      The elites are trying to hide the ugly truth and protecting the official narrative and their billion dollar MSM that is crumbling
      and google is,just like all other .com software companies who grew too fast too big and created world wide monopoles(microsoft,google,apple,cnn)
      a secret service asset and part of big brother.

      • Eric Barnes says:

        The encouraging thing is that you can still get real news from sites on the internet. I don’t go to, nbc, abc, etc. I plan on cutting cable soon as well. The media oligarchs don’t want ala carte cable precisely because *nobody* would pay to see most of the crap they put on tv. Time to pull the plug.

    • RossP says:


      The Google guys have forgotten the best form of “advertising” is still word of mouth (or via all the various social media). We don’t have to use Google to find good information sites. In fact asking a question on a site like this is likely to get a better answer or be pointed in a better direction than Google.
      For good information Google rankings is over rated , even on Google (ie. I’ll keep going through the pages if I want really good info, until I get it.)

    • DD More says:

      Well we could use Fact Check??
      A nonpartisan, nonprofit, “consumer advocate” for voters, the Annenberg Political Fact Check aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. Fact Check monitors the accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases.

      And you know they are fair and really put the screws to Obama. Or did they?
      The four plus years (1995-1999) Barack Obama spent as founding chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) represent his track record as reformer, as someone who reached out in a public-private collaboration and had the audacity to believe his effort would make things better.

      Read more:

      You can be sure that being on their board would not sway the facts.

  2. Eric Barnes says:

    Yep. Nobody in the media ever calls them on this, or on anything. The media is in the same camp as the politicians and bureaucrats.

    IMO, I think the best that can be said for them is that they are statists. Progressivism is completely non-descriptive of what they are and is a misleading label. They are at best statists.

    Alan West describes them well at minute 5 in the attached video here…

    Depressing that he lost his election.

  3. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Steven, for reminding them of reality before the FCC takes over the last form of free electronic communications.

  4. Pathway says:

    Not only can they not tell the truth they don’t have the mental acuity to understand the truth.

  5. nigelf says:

    If they told the truth they would be conservatives now wouldn’t they?

  6. SxyxS says:

    Being progressive means to be an arrogant,self whoreshipping piece of sh!t of orwellian double speak
    that is always right.

  7. Gail Combs says:


    I figured it out.

    The reason the USA, EU and Australia are being INTENTIONALLY flooded by third world immigrants is because the immigrants won’t notice how crappy the new improved slavery system is. It is still better than the crappy system they came from. Add the brainwashed Progressives and you can easily take out any middle class.

    • omanuel says:

      Yes. Stalin son WWII and expanded the boarder of the old USSR to include the rest of the globe.

    • SxyxS says:

      No-you are wrong.
      The intention of mass immigration is the destruction of independent states from within,giving up sovereignity(all those poor immigrants will vote for socialists parties) and centralised controle by the UN.
      If you want to know who is the main driving force behinde mass immigration just watch Barbara Spectre on Youtube(she is a main driving force mass immigration)-
      it is one of the very few interviews where people like her speak the truth

      (but be aware-it is very unlikely that you will like what you hear//but you can blame me if you don’t like it)

      • Gail Combs says:

        That is why I said “Add the brainwashed Progressives.” Immigrants Plus Progs can out vote the middle class/conservatives. Unfortunately the immigrants will not see their bright future is being destroyed by voting for the progs.

        • Jason Calley says:

          In many ways, The Powers That Be are brilliant. In others ways, not so much. One of the ways in which they are ignorant is that they do not understand how wealth is created. They understand money. They understand credits and debits and they understand currency. But they do not understand the actual processes by which wealth comes into existence by the ingenuity and effort of millions of people working daily. TPTB seem to believe that as long as they control monetary processes, they can control wealth. They do not understand that a modern technological society cannot be maintained by people who have been pacified and dumbed down. They imagine that they can continue to buy wealth even when the productive part of the world has been wiped out. When the people of a nation are no longer able to maintain the infrastructure and supply lines of a VERY complicated, interlocking system of production, well, the creation of wealth — the creation of things worth having — will stop. At that point, no mater how docile your population, no matter how large your bank account, no matter how all-encompassing your laws are, The Powers That Be will become poorer and poorer.

        • gator69 says:

          They understand how wealth is created, they just don’t want us creating any.

          The elites already have theirs, they don’t need any more wealth, and will simply take from you what they need. It is easier to rule over poor people.

        • Jason Calley says:

          Hey gator69! I am not sure whether we just disagree, or whether I did a poor job of posting. I draw a distinction between “wealth”, and being rich or having money. “Wealth” is something like an automobile, or a factory, or a new book. Wealth is something worth having. Money, on the other hand, is just a sort of scorecard that can be cashed in for wealth if one wishes to. TPTB know all there is to know about the creation of money and its uses and abuses — but I do not think they know much about where wealth comes from. TPTB may own private jets, but I do not think they understand just how extraordinary is the process for creating a private jet. I think they imagine that they can rule a nation of dumbed down sheep; they may be right about that! But I think they are wrong if they believe that the dumbed down sheep will still be able to create things like private jets and fancy limousines.

          To give an extreme example plucked out of time, Julius Caesar could never have owned a microwave oven; Rome did not have an advanced technological society capable of creating one. If TPTB succeed in creating a dumbed down world, I do not think that there will be a high enough fraction of bright, skilled workers to create the wealth that TPTB are accustomed to.

          I may certainly be wrong…. but I think TPTB have a blind spot about something that is outside their experience.

        • gator69 says:

          Hey Jason! My point is that they do not want us creating wealth, because wealthy people do not need a big government. They have already shown they want us ignorant by destroying our schools, and in the same vein they are destroying our economy to keep us poor. Poor people are easier to control.

          They don’t care about wealth creation any more than alarmists care about what really drives climate change.

        • Jason Calley says:

          Hey gator69! OK, yes, I agree with most of that. They do, in fact, want us poor and easily controled, and I would say that you are right that they do not want us creating wealth for ourselves. On the other hand, I think they want us to still create wealth for THEM! They may be disappointed in that. I don’t think that dumb sheep are going to do an adequate job satisfying their new masters!

  8. Gail Combs says:

    From Wunderground Average temp for february for Bangor, ME is 6 °F

    According to IceAgeNow
    “This February will end up as the coldest month ever observed at Bangor,” — Not only the coldest February, the coldest MONTH ever.”

    “This February will end up as the coldest month ever observed at Bangor,” says the National Weather Service. “Through February 26th the average temperature at Bangor of 6.1 degrees was 14.3 degrees below normal. Based on our forecast temperatures through the end of the month, we project that the average temperature for the month will be near 6.2 degrees. This would break the all-time record for not only the coldest February, but also the coldest month ever observed at Bangor by about 2 degrees.”

    Here are the top 5 coldest months on record at Bangor with their average monthly temperatures:
    January 1994 8.4F
    2. January 1971 8.7F
    3. January 1982 9.8F
    4. January 2004 10.0F
    5. January 2009 10.1F

    …..“Prior to this February, the coldest February on record was in 1993 with an average monthly temperature of 11.3F, so Bangor will shatter its coldest February on record by about 5 degrees. Records in Bangor began in 1926.”

  9. smamarver says:

    I have to say that is only in the benefit of the large public to have more sides of the climate change story. And I am not sure that scientist even have the same opinion, so it is really great that more and more people share their views. My opinion is that oceans have a big contribution in the climate change and that, by affecting the oceans with their wars, humans affected climate (see There are many that do not agree with me, but I think is it very important that people realize that global warming is a big issue.

    • Gail Combs says:

      With the sun going into a quiet cycle NASA has found that although the Total Solar Insolation (TSI) changes little the amount of visible, UV and EUV changes much much more than they originally thought. Where do those changes show up? For one as changes in ozone. Which ren has shown causes the changes we are seeing in the polar vortex.
      Start HERE and HERE REN does not really speak English so he uses illustrations and scientific papers to get his point across in short comments.

      What else does the changesto a quite sun affect?

      The Ocean as a Calorimeter (Link to peer reviewed paper and discussion)

      ….A calorimeter is a device which measures the amount of heat given off in a chemical or physical reaction. It turns out that one can use the Earth’s oceans as one giant calorimeter to measure the amount of heat Earth absorbs and reemits every solar cycle. Two questions probably pop in your mind, a) Why is this interesting? and, b) How do you do so? Let me answer. One of the raging debates in the climate community relates to the question of whether there is any mechanism amplifying solar activity. That is, are the solar synchronized climatic variations that we see….

  10. omanuel says:

    If you study the paper, “Solar energy” carefully – including the references – you will know Stalin’s troops captured:

    1. Japan’s atomic bomb plant at Konan, Korea in AUG 1945;

    2. The crew of an American B-29 bomber in AUG 1945; and

    3. Held them for negotiations in SEPT 1945; leading to

    4. Formation of the UN in OCT 1945; followed by

    5. Seventy years (1945-2015 = 70 yrs) of lies disguised as consensus science to move society toward UN’s Agenda 21.

    See: “Solar energy”

    Government control of the internet will likely prevent future messages of “Fordidden Information.”

  11. gator69 says:

    Come on Tony! Experts and scientists are never wrong when they have a consensus.

    “Guidelines that told millions of people to avoid butter and full-fat milk should never have been introduced, say experts.”

    Every health organization agreed!

    Settled science!

    Wait, what…?

  12. Thomas Englert says:

    With regard to maple syrup collection, I have quite successfully made my own from maples here in Southern Indiana. It was quite good, much thicker and tastier than the products on the store shelves.

  13. Anthony Scalzi says:

    My pancake breakfast did fine this morning, watching the snow come down.

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